Chapter 23 | take a break

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You had to wait. Just for a week or so while everything was forensically tested and the proper people examined the footage L had scarred himself with. So now, you had some time to just sit and think.

This case went way deeper than you thought. I mean, how did some uni student manage to get snuff footage so bad the world greatest detective got freaked out seeing it? And was that were he got the poison as well? Coincidentally as soon as he was arrested and held with bail so high his family couldn't pay it there's been so reports of suspicious activity in the area. You just knew Max Deandrews was the killer... and it seems he was connected to something else rather shady.

But you had to wait, at least a week until everything was processed. So it was just you, L and the weight of the unsolved questions on your shoulders.

He'd been kind of shaken since he accidentally saw that footage, you didn't know all the details of his past but you did know he didn't have a great childhood. So it made sense he'd be a bit more shaken than a regular person. It was making you sad to see him all gloomy, and since you had a little break you decided it was time to do something fun for once.

"Where should we go? We have the time today" you asked, already dressed and ready for an outing.

He shrugged, not super used to outings.

"Hmm... how about that massive arcade that opened a while ago? I've heard good things about it" you suggested.

He thought for a moment, liking the idea. Arcades always made him nostalgic for home, he'd take Matt to the local arcade when he could. That kid was so good at games he was the highest score on most of the machines. Nodding in agreement you were quick to pack your bag of everything you needed and drag him out the hotel room, after Watari stopped you to make him put some shoes on first.

He never really liked shoes, but you'd rather him not walk around the streets potentially stepping on broken glass or rocks.

And so off to the arcade you went.

"Hey, it's kind of like a date huh? Guess that makes this our first" you smiled.

He couldn't help but blush at the thought of his first real date, it didn't help you were holding his hand the whole way there. His heart was beating like crazy. The arcade was way bigger than you expected, the whole place practically glowing with flashing lights on games and 8-bit music filling the building. You stopped at the exchange machine to turn your cash into coins and you and L divided them up into equal amounts so you could each play the same number of games.

"What should we play first?" You asked.

He looked around, scanning the area for something he was good at. And right in the middle he spotted it. An air hokey table. Dragging you over, you were willing to play. You'd win a few games before, surely you could win again right?

"Alright bet. Best of 3?" You asked.

He held out a hand to shake on it. And with a hand shake you agreed to a best of three, whoever won bought the slushies. You knew L didn't like loosing, he'd mentioned it before. But damn you didn't think he'd go so hard over air hockey. It made for a fun game though, the both of you practically diving over the table to knock the puck into each other's goal. Every time someone got a goal, the table would light up with that sides colour. And by the time you'd gotten to the third round with one win each you were both going way too hard for a simple game of air hokey.

"Alright, last round. 5 minutes, whoever scored most wins, ready?" You said.

He nodded, a look in his eye telling you he was going to win.

You placed the puck in the middle, and hit the start button. You both leaned over the table to get to the puck first and ended up hitting it at the same time, causing it to knock the sides and go back and fourth against the walls. He got a hit, but your reflexes were quick and you blocked it from your goal, smacking it back to his side. It hit the corner and he hit it back over to you, where it bounced from the wall to his side again. Back and fourth, back and fourth you went leaning over the table to reach as far as you could.

"Bastard stop hitting it into the wall and making it go all over the place!" You said.

"Cope" he replied.

"You bloody- fine take... THIS!" 

You smacked the puck, only to have it bounce off the corner of his goal missing by a centimetre.

"FUCK-" you snapped, making him laugh.

He smacked the puck back and you managed to keep it from your goal hitting it back over to his side. You didn't have much time left, you had to score soon if you wanted to win.

"Don't give me that smug look you won't-" you began.

Before you could finish though, he smacked it at just the right angle and into your goal it went.

"" you finished, defeated.

As the table lit up with his colours he gave you a smug look again rubbing his victory in your face.

"Yeah, yeah you win. Competitive much?" You teased.

He shrugged as if to say 'what about it?'

With a victory for him and your air hokey round over you left for the next game. And the massive wall of claw machines caught your eye.

"Ah sick! I'm actually a god a claw machines" you smiled, grabbing his arm to drag him over.

There were so many too chose from. Some had lollies, some has toys, some had mystery boxes, some had bigger prizes like figures and stationary kits. As you walked along the wall trying to pick something you wanted to try and win, you felt L stop in his tracks. He was looking at one of the San-X machines that had Rilakkuma backpacks. Like teddies with an empty pocket to put things in and straps to carry it around. On top was a Koririlakkuma with a strawberry hat on.

Oh, you could so win that for him.

"Watch and learn babe" you flexed, pulling him over to the machine and feeding it your coins.

He watched against the glass eagerly, as you pulled the lever to move the claw. You were very careful about it, checking from all angles to make sure it was lined up and waiting for the claw to stop swinging before you let it down. Your goal was to hook it on one of the straps so it could be pulled over to the prize slot.

"Watch me one shot this, I'm an expert" you bragged.

Pressing the button and watching the claw go down, L was actually surprised to see your technique worked. The claw hooked onto the strap and picked the bag up. Now it just needed to stay on the claw until it got to the prize slot. It was always so anticipating when you managed to grab something, and just hope it stayed on the claw long enough. It dragged the bag across the machine, strap hanging on at the edge. You crossed your fingers hoping it'd work and you hadn't lost your magic touch.

Luckily for you, it did. The bag dropped right on the edge of the prize slot and for a moment you thought it'd fall into the pile again, but it fell down the slot instead and ended up your first win of the day.

"Haha yes! See I told you I was a god at claw games!" You smiled.

Taking the prize from the slot, you put the bag on his back, and he gave you a big smile and thank you hug.

"You're welcome, you like Korilakkuma huh?" You asked.

He nodded, having a soft spot for the bear since he was kid. You kissed him on the cheek, forming another 'let's spoil my boyfriend' plan.

"Alright bet let me win everything these cranes have for you" you replied, looking for the next crane that had San-X merch.

He happily followed you along, attempting to win some a few times himself as well. But you were just too good at these crane games and won way more than he could. If he was the air hokey champion, you could be the crane game champion.

It was a nice way to take your mind off the dark and stressful case for a while. L was practically bursting with joy over his fun his first proper date was, and he couldn't help but wonder how he managed to win your heart. All he knew was he'd was forever grateful he did.

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