Chapter 7 | L's first try

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Three weeks.

Three weeks wasn't that long, but surprisingly to L he actually felt as if he'd known you longer. Maybe it was because you were together so often on this case, or maybe it was just him getting more used to people the offer her got. But he felt like he was friends with you, at least he thought it was friends. He'd never really had one before, he wasn't sure what was considered friendship. But it felt right.

This morning he was up and waiting for you to arrive as usual, ticking things off the cases do do list with his strawberry pen. The little strawberry on the end wiggling when he wrote. It was a quiet morning until the door to the hotel room practically busted down.

He jumped hearing the loud noise, only to find you holding your work bag on your shoulder and snack bags in your hands.

"Turn on the TV! I just was the news walking past an electronics store. I think it's another victim!" You said.

That definitely caught his attention. He quickly grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, flipping to the news channels until he found the one you were talking about. As you frantically dumped your bag on the table and a bit more carefully put the snack bags down you both watched the report.

"The victim, 19 year old Ashley Rikkia was found dead in her apartment by her roommate after having come home from a night out. While at first the death seemed unfortunate but natural as she seemingly died in her sleep, further investigation by police on the scene believe she's the latest victim in a string of murders. According to the department the case has even caught the attention of world renounced anonymous detective L, who believes the now 8 victims have been poisoned through micro doses so powerful it slowly kills them" the reporter stated.

While eyes glued to the TV, L was already on his laptop to get the latest reports from the police. You handed him his daily treat, this time a finger bun with sprinkles and his favourite strawberry boba.

He didn't even look away from the screen when he grabbed the straw and stabbed it through the lid, definitely having multitasked snacking and watching news on a regular basis.

You got out your laptop, trying to start it up as quick as possible.

"As of now, there are so suspects but investigators suspect foul play is most definitely involved. We're on the story as it develops" the reporter said.

With the news continuing on with its reporting, you simply sat down and sighed. You knew this would happen eventually. The police were known for being in a love hate relationship with L, hey knew that in some cases L the only way to solve them. But they also hated the fact he stole a lot of their cases off them and solved it before they could, and a lot of people didn't like the way L found legal loopholes to solve cases.

L had mutual feelings as well, he knew he needed to cooperate with law enforcement to get case files and information. But he was also very much annoyed at how salty they were toward him and he hated how there was so much political corruption in the justice system.

L and the police, FBI, CIA etc were always on rocky terms. They were all separate entities, but they did need each other to operate.

"Damnit, there goes another life..." you sighed.

L looked over at you, and picked up his pen and notebook again.

Unfortunately we couldn't have done anything with the little information we have. But at least now we have a lead this could push the case forward.

He slid the book over to you for you to read while he pulled up the latest files on the victim.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate that we can't save everyone you know?" You replied.

He nodded in agreement, and turned to his laptop again. Pulling up the autopsy report and crime scene photos he examined them closely.

The victim was found in bed, ha having died in their sleep. No external injuries apart from a scab on the knee caused by a skateboard crash weeks earlier completely unrelated. Time of death was estimated to be around 2am judging by the body still being in very early Rigor mortis when it was found in the morning.

By all accounts, it was seemingly the exact same clean death as the last victims.

But there was a difference in this report. Now that L had mentioned to police it could be a potential poisoning, they were instructed to test any food and drink in the house and any dishes recently used. He scrolled through the findings of the forensics team, all foods coming back normal.

Except for one. A bowl of ice cream.

The empty bowl was left on the sink the day before, not yet washed so the team swabbed the remains of the melted ice cream and just as you'd suggested... microscopic traces of Aconite. Judging by the fact the bowl was there a day prior, it's taken at least 48 hours after consumption to fully kick in. There would be barely any trace in the body by then, as it would have worked its way in and out, done its damage and left the body through regularly bodily function.

This was it, this was confirmation it was poison, and you were right about the type of poison too. You'd cracked the first part of the case.

L looked up, seeing you scrolling through your laptop reading news reports on the latest victim. He wanted to say something, he wanted to tell you that you were right.

But... he couldn't.

When he went to open his mouth and speak, nothing came out. It was like his throat just closed up and blocked his vocal chords. He just sat there and stared at you completely unaware of your victory for a moment. He could do this... all he has to do is say your name to get your attention so you can read it for yourself.

He just had to say one thing. One word. (Y/n).

But as soon as he tried, as soon as he put the motion into action, the words just caught up in the back of his throat and his heart beat spiked, he couldn't do it.

He could feel the pressure in the back of his throat, the kind you get when you try desperately not to cry.

He couldn't push himself or he'd break down. He tried, but now just wasn't the right time yet. Taking a break to clear his mind, he simply reached over the table and tapped your shoulder instead.

At least he tried...

"Hm?" You muttered.

He pushed his laptop over to you, letting you read the report. It was silent a moment while you did, and he watched your face light up when you realised what exactly this meant.

"I KNEW IT! I was right, it is poison!" You exclaimed.

You seemed fired up, happy to know you were right on this massive assumption and this would push the case forward. L wanted to say something, congratulate you or praise you.

But the words just wouldn't come out. He simply picked up his pen again, writing it down instead.

Well done.

No words needed [L x Reader] • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now