Chapter 8 | poisonus territory

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This was it, your first field job. L being faceless, and unable to talk meant there was way he could do this. But you could, that's why he hired you.

Your job today was to go around the neighbourhood of the latest victim asking for security footage any neighbours might have. You and L wanted your hands on a copy before the police did, just in case there was any corruption going on. So you donned your 'good work clothes' that you wore when having to do field work. As a private investigator you had to look professional, so your good work clothes was quite literally a suit. Blazer, tie, pants etc. although you wrote sneakers for shoes just in case you had to chase someone down.

Your bag carried the phone L gave you, self defence weapons, your fake ID, and of course a snack. This time it was more hi chew L had offered you. Around your neck was the tracker necklace L equiped you with in case of emergency and your clothes were bugged so L could hear everything. If she had something to say he'd text you about it.

You spent the morning going from house to house asking if anyone had security footage. It was rather hit or miss. Some did, some didn't, some had a system was it wasn't turned on, some were too far away from the scene to have captured anything. But you still got copies from those go had footage just in case. So far you'd collected footage from 3 houses that had some, and you were about to hit your fourth.

Knocking on the door of a rather neat house with a tidy front yard you heard a yappy dog go nuts at the noise. Barking all the way up the hall to the door, followed by footsteps of the owner. A young woman opened the door, looking around 20 something.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm a private investigator on the recent string of poisons. I've been sent to collect any security footage of the area I can get my hands on. If you have a security system would I be able to see the footage from the 5th?" You explained.

The woman lit up, as if she'd been waiting for this.

"Oh good! I was hoping this would happen. I was thinking of taking the footage in myself if this didn't happen soon. After hearing the news I got a little paranoid so I looked at my security cameras and I did see something I think is suspicious. I have no idea if it is but it something to think about" the woman replied.

Bingo. This could be what you needed.

"That's exactly what I'm looking for, anything that could be even remotely suspicious"

She let you into the house, and you showed her your ID as proof you were legit. The dog spent a moment jumping at your legs and sniffing you as you walked in, inspecting the new person. The woman lead you to her lounge where she had her laptop out.

"There's a camera in the driveway, and it catches the footpath and road going past the house so everything is in view. When I looked the footage over I literally got chills..." she began.

Pulling up a file she's already had saved to her desktop she skilled to the part you'd need to see.

"Ok that's her, the victim. I didn't know her personally or anything but she only lives a few houses down so I have seen her around. She walks home from I'm guessing university at the same time each Wednesday. So she passes the house at 6pm-ish here..." she began.

Sure enough the footage showed the victim passing the house, completely unaware of anything that was going to happen to her.

"And then about 5 minutes later..."

She skipped forward a little bit.

"This guy. Never seen him before... he walks past in the same direction, hood up all sketchy looking and only a few minutes later walks back this way"

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