Chapter 16 | overworked

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Up on the whiteboard you had everything mapped out. The to do list, the reminders and the important information you had to remember.

Tomorrows job was bugging the suspect, todays job was organising your work. All of which was now done, it was late but you'd finally finished writing everything down and preparing for tomorrow. L had been going deep into the suspects chat logs and digital footprint for anything and everything that could count as evidence, and the whiteboard by him was starting to get full.

He'd worked a lot today.

"Goddamn... that's a lot of connections" you muttered, waking over to where he sat and scanning the whiteboard.

He'd made kind of a flow chart, all stemming from the first victim out to the recent. Everything was starting to make sense now you had all this information.

The targets were university students, usually female but some males did slip in there. They were all in the area of 3 suburbs, 2 universities. All victims have either encountered or have heard of the suspect, Max, before dying. Max fit the description of the person on the footage and had the same car.

It was all lining up. It seemed to be a grudge against women and 'successful men' that drove him to kill. Pathetic really.

It was still unclear if he was the only one, or if his creepy buddies were in on it or not. But you had your suspect and a solid lead that was slowly revealing itself, you just hoped you could step in before someone else died.

"You've really thought all this out" you complimented, admiring how well put together L's chart was.

He gave you a tired smile in return, and immediately went back to digging through chat logs. He was clearly in the zone so you wouldn't bother him, you still had one thing left before you were done for the day as well.

That was finding out when Max would be away from home for uni tomorrow so you could sneak into his house and bug everything. Since he wasn't online much, you couldn't go off a social media profile. Instead you figured you'd hack into the university database for class timetables.

So you set out on your laptop, scrolling through student profiles until you found his.

His time table said he'd be at class... well assuming he actually went, at around 12:30. Just past midday, and he'd be back by 3:00. That was plenty of time to get in, bug everything and get out. Although technically this was considered a breach of privacy without a warrant to do so, but you and L both knew that listening to the police and following that rule in a case like this could jeopardise everything. Sometimes a few legal loopholes were necessary...

You weren't breaking the law, there were ways around this. It's just most people would find it quite immoral. In your mind it was better you caught the guy and prevented another death and being justice for the families of the victims than worry about some creeps privacy.

So it was all planned out. You'd leave at about 11:30, get to his place by 12 and wait nearby until he leaves so you can make sure he's gone. Carefully check for security and disable it if you have to, get in, bug the place and get out before 3pm. You'd done things similar, you'd be able to pull this of no problem.

And if you found anything suspicious in his house you'd make sure to get photos of it too. If you took it, he'd know someone was in his house, so photos will have to do until you can get a warrant to cease his possessions.

Finally wrapping up for the day, you closed your laptop and stretched out your arms.

"Alright, that's it for the day" you sighed.

You turned to L to tell him you'd be going to bed for the night, only to find him half asleep against the side of the sofa.


He jumped, jerking awake and looking up at you.

"Go to bed" you said.

He shook his head.

"Don't give me that, your been up for days. You're falling asleep sitting up"

He didn't have an argument, he knew you were right. You literally just watch him almost pass out, he couldn't deny it.

"Work..." he muttered.

"I'll finish it if you want, or you can just save it and come back tomorrow. You need some sleep" you replied.

You still weren't quite used to hearing his voice, but you always welcomed it. Even if it was just a work or two. Maybe he was just too tired to argue, or maybe he knew you were right, either way he caved. Closing his laptop and getting up, he stretched his arms out like his cats do as they bask in the sun.

"Come here" you smiled, holding your arms out for him.

He hesitated slightly, still not used to affection. But he let you wrap your arms around him, and he shyly hugged you back.

"You overwork yourself too much L, you need to watch your sleep more. An overworked detective is a useless one, can't think with no sleep" you said.

"Mm.." he agreed.

That hug lingered a little more than usual that time, not that L was complaining. He liked your hugs, they were gentle. He loved gentle touch, he just never got to feel it that much. So he truly did treasure your hugs.

"Get some sleep, goodnight L" you smiled, breaking the hug to go to bed.

"G-goodnight" he replied.

You split ways to go to your rooms, and you couldn't help but feel proud of him. He was getting a lot better at communicating with you, and while writing was still his main way of communication he could talk a little more now. You went to bed satisfied with finishing your work and managing to get L to take a break, L on the other hand was stuck lying in bed with his heart racing. He was tired but couldn't fall asleep just yet.

Was that hug meant to be that long? Did you mean something by it? Can you do it again?

He felt like screaming but didn't, not wanting to draw attention to himself. All he could do was cover his blushing face and kick his legs like an exited child. His mind nothing but 'holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck-'.

The more he talked to you and the more time went on as you got closer the more he just wanted to be hugged all day by you. He just wanted to sit in your arms and enjoy your company. Maybe a little kiss too, just a peck on the cheek.

He was determined to keep getting better at talking to you, so maybe one day he can tell you that he likes you. A lot more than just being his favourite coworker.

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