Chapter 15 | getting along

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You were still rather giddy about L actually talking to you. It was only two words, but it was enough. His voice was nice, he was getting more comfortable with you and overall you were just proud of him. You didn't expect him to start dropping whole monologues on you or anything, but now he'd gotten over his first roadblock, maybe he'd start saying a few more little things to you. Like a good morning or your name to grab your attention.

You could definitely get used to hearing is beautiful voice.

Has he always been so beautiful? Yeah, he has. Maybe you were only now just letting it sink in because you'd both managed to get closer and over roadblocks in the case, you had some time to think to yourself.

"I recon we have someone watch the guy, or bug his stuff and listen in. He just seems like bad news even if he isn't the killer, he's bound to end up one" you suggested.

L looked over your shoulder reading the page you'd pulled up on the screen, text messages in a group chat between your suspect Max and his buddies. You'd finally managed to track down his digital footprint, and had been sitting through as much as you could.

L gave the screen an unamused look, reaching over to his notebook to write.

Definitely. I hate the way he talks about women.

"Oh I know... like look at this shit. Calling any girl that rejects him a slut? Man's gets no bitches because he can't even give them basic respect. Gross" you replied.

L snickered at your comment, and the oh so elegant phase of no bitches.

"And this? Calling bisexuals cheating whores just because they like girls too? Fucking disgusting"

You scoffed at practically every message you head. Max and his buddies were just gross people. They had no respect to anyone that was different to them and thought they were the best people to grace the earth. It was clear why they were like that too, his internet history was littered with super disgusting online forums about how anyone that wasn't a cishet able man was scum of the earth.

He wondered why no girls wanted him, it was because he treated them like dirt.

L scribbled onto his page some more, letting you read it as he wrote.

I never leave the building and even I know this stuff is gross.

"You're actually smart though. Clearly this guy and his friends have 0 IQ" you joked.

You've solved a lot cases involving discrimination so I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to sentence him based on these actions as well right?

"Oh definitely. Murder is easy, he's literally poisoning people. But with all these messages and forum posts we could probably get him on a hate crime as well. He's targeted mainly women, and a few men he's deemed inferior. It's clear he has hates women and views them as only sexual objects. And with how phobic he is as well if he targets a queer person we can definitely get him on hate crime charges for that too"

L hated this guy. Ever since you'd found him as the main suspect he hated him. The vibes were just off. But now he'd seen the man, heard all the stories from witnesses and read these messages and posts he wanted this man locked up ASAP.

He'd been bullied enough as a kid for not being able to talk, so seeing all the messages Max had sent talking about people in similar conditions to him in such a disgusting way he just wanted revenge justice at this point.

"Let's see he hates women, any queer person, any disabled person, anyone that isn't his race, anyone that rejects him, anyone that doesn't treat him like royalty, anyone that... well everyone expect himself really. Definitely the kind of guy that can kill someone, I'm putting my money on this guy being the killer, at at least involved" you said.

The little strawberry on the end of L's pen wiggled when he wrote, it always made watching him write that much cuter. A nice detox to the tense and angry situation.

Let's organise to track and bug him. And if he starts stalking someone else we can step in before he kills them too.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's keep an eye on his buddies too just in case" you replied.

L nodded, the two of you on the same page. You both thought he was the killer, and you both hated the type of person he was. L picked up his phone to message Watari about getting supplies for the next phase of the case and while he was at it, maybe get some snacks too.

You'd need wiretaps and trackers, plus the equipment to install them while he wasn't around. As for some snacks, as always he wanted some shortcake, and you always got some muffins. Now what about drinks? Bubble tea was becoming the go to thing for the both of you, so he'd get his usual strawberry with popping pearls. As for you...

What did you want?

He looked up at you, who was still scrolling through the gross messages looking for some kind of evidence of the crimes. He's talked to you once, he could do it again right? It was just a simple question, surely he could...

"U-uh... (y/n)" he muttered.

You perked up exited to hear his voice again. It was so pretty...

"Yeah?" You replied.

He took a second to work up the energy to say something else. This was still new to him, but starting slow was the best way to go about it right?

"Boba?" He asked.

Of course, the daily snack order. Not surprising of all things he'd talk to you about that.

"Matcha Latte, extra sugar" you replied.

He nodded, looking back down to his phone to type. He did it! He managed to talk again! Still only a few words but hey it was better than nothing. A smile crept onto his lips, proud of himself for managing to have another verbal interaction with you. Things were going well.

"Hey" you spoke up.

He looked back up at you, slightly worried you'd say something about his voice or the way he talked.

"Good job" you smiled.

He smiled back, he was so lucky to have found someone that was kind and patient with him.

Each day he was getting better and better at talking to you. It was a slow process, but a process nonetheless.

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