Chapter 47 | paranoid

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"Finally! God that took forever" you groaned.

Crossing off one of the last names on the list, you and L had worked tirelessly to track down every user of the site and get them arrested. There was only one left, which you hoped wouldn't take too long.

"I'll admit that took longer than I'd hoped..." L signed, leaning back in his chair and stretching his limbs out.

"One left. We can do that tomorrow though I need a break" you replied.

That sounded good to L, he'd been getting bored of tireless work today. You both got out of your chairs to stretch out your limbs and take a break, go do something else.

"Let's go up to the sunroom, actually see the light of day for once" you suggested.

Dragging L out with you, you went up the spiral stairs to the sunroom on the roof where the kids were growing their own pot plants. The place you'd met Linda before. There was a small set of table and chairs in there, and you figured you'd sit up there to get some sun for the first time in weeks. It was warm and just a nice place to sit and chat really.

"Goddamn this case had taken so many twists" you sighed, sitting at the little table opposite L.

"Tell me about it, I wasn't expecting to end up back at wammys so soon. Let alone with another kid" he replied.

"Thank god we're getting around to wrapping it up, I need a break after all this. Plus my dads will probably want me home by Halloween"

"Oh yeah, you still have to drag me to the other side of the world to meet them in person"

"You'll like them, they already like you"

L did like them from the small amount of contact he's had so far, he imagined it'd be pretty fun staying with them for the holidays. Plus, if Watari had told you all L's embarrassing stories he intended to get revenge, and have your dads tell HIM all YOUR embarrassing stories.

"Although I'll tell you what, something doesn't sit well with me regarding Rosie's case" you said.

"What do you mean?" L asked.

"Well it's just... the police on the scene speculated it was a robbery turned murder right? But why take the kid? Why not kill her too? Obviously I'm glad they didn't but wouldn't taking her be a massive risk? It ended up getting them caught. I just feel like there's some kind of bigger picture"

"I mean I see what you mean, it is odd to just take the kid rather than kill her. But these are people known for making snuff footage so there's every chance that's what they were intending to use her for"

God that made you angry. As if snuff wasn't bad enough, but CHILD snuff? Disgusting. No child deserved to be a victim of any kind of crime but that was a whole other level of depraved.

"Even then, wouldn't they try and get a child that's homeless or had abusive parents that wouldn't them missing? Taking a child out of a apparent robbery gone wrong seems like a weird way to get one. Sure it could just be a crime of opportunity but still... would they really take such a risky opportunity? Why did they take such a risky opportunity?" You explained.

L got what you meant, it was a very weird case. Usually kidnappers have some kind of plan to keep the victim from being found or reported in the first place. And usually kidnappers are someone close to the victim. It's rare to be snatched by a random person with zero plan whatsoever. Maybe you were overthinking it, it could just be a really weird case of crime of opportunity after all. But L got where your paranoia came from.

"Well we are almost done with the case, if something else comes up it'll be soon. We've sifted through this case with a fine toothed comb, the only way we'd have missed something is if it hasn't happened yet or we haven't investigated that section of the case yet" He said.

"You're right, it's probably nothing. We have been completely through after all... I just get this weird vibe" you replied.


Maybe you were overthinking it. But if you weren't then whatever it was was bound to show itself soon, you only had one person left to track down after all. For now you could just put the thought aside and take a break, that's what you were up here for anyway.

"I feel like I need to pop my spine like bubble wrap, I've been sitting around inside all week... past few weeks" L sighed.

"Tense?" You asked.

"Yeah, I need to relax for once in my life"

"Well there's plenty of ways to do that. Take a warm bath, have a nap, stretches..."

You cut yourself off, realising you could make a rather obvious dirty joke here. L immediately caught on to your cheeky smirk.

"Go ahead, say it" he said.

"I could blow your back out, that'd definitely release your tension" you snickered.

"Don't tempt me, I need to loosen my spine anyway"

You both giggled at the joke, like two highschool lovers with an immature sense of humour.

"I mean hey, if we have a good hiding spot somewhere around here the offer is there" you said.

"Maybe next time we steal the car for errands and it's just us" he replied.

You wouldn't mind that, in fact you'd keep that in mind for next time you took the car out for errands. L would know of a spot, he grew up here after all. He knows the area the best out of anyone.

"Hey, come here" you said, patting your lap telling him to come sit.

Agreeing with your offer he crawled into your lap and you wrapped your arms around him, letting him rest his head on yours and return your hug.

"I'm glad you chose me to work with you" you said.

"I'm glad I chose you too, if I'd chosen anyone else I'd still be lonely, and very quiet" he replied.

"I'm proud of you too, you've come so far"

"You tell me that all the time"

"I'm making sure you know it" you said, kissing his cheek.

"Well you know what? I'm proud of YOU, you've helped me so much and you've pushed the case forward in ways I could never even think of. You were the perfect choice, I'm forever glad I picked you" he replied, returning the kiss.

When the ability to talk was with him, he really did have a way with words sometimes. You smiled hearing his praise, feeling rather loved.

"I love you" you smiled.

"I love you too" he replied.

"And guess what? I'll never stop telling you I'm proud of you"

"Fine. I'll never stop telling you I love you"

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