Chapter 22 | inspect

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Tw/ this criminal does some gross ass stuff. Can't say much without spoiling but just be aware it might get gross.

Before you lay multiple bags, sealed and each containing something ceased from the house.

Including the broken rosary you'd taken a photo of. It was going to be tested for any DNA residue, along with everything else. On the table also sat a pocket knife, two pairs of shoes and a pair of gloves. You still weren't aware of how he got his hands on the poison in the first place, but you were hoping that with forensics you could find traces of it on his stuff. That way you'd have proof that he had touched the poison.

L was currently looking through the computer that was ceased, wearing gloves to not get finger prints on it. He was looking for anything that he wasn't able to hack into and to see if any evidence was hidden on the hard drive. Or at least something that could point you in the right direction.

You picked up the bag with the rosary in it, giving it a closer look. It was definitely the same one the first victim was wearing, without a doubt. You could absolutely get her DNA off it and prove it too. What you were curious about was if it broke before or after her death. Everyone you'd questioned said it was completely fine when she was last seen, and now it shows up broken. Could it have been broken in an altercation, or did Max break it after she died? If you could figure that out it could definitely help paint the picture of how the crime played out.

You also picked up the bag with the gloves, taking a closer look under a magnifying glass looking for any residue. The poison came form a flower so if he'd touched it with gloves on to avoid it coming into contact with his skin, pollen or the pigment of the petals might be left behind.

Your inspection of the evidence required attention and focus so the two of you were silent the whole time you were going through everything. That silence was broken however, when you heard the chair L was on skid across the floor suddenly and him quickly get up.

When you turned he seemed shocked, having literally taken a step back from the computer in disbelief.

"What has he got in th-" you began, eager to see.

Before you could get over to the computer though, L stopped you.

"Don't!" He said, pushing you back and putting his hand over your eyes.

You were a little confused, you were a detective... you'd seen crime scene pictures before?

"L I've seen crime photos before" you said.

"You... don't want to see this..." he replied.

Clearly it was gross if he was talking without even thinking about it. He wanted to warn you, and to do that he had to talk.

"It doesn't... involve kids does it?" You asked.

"I don't... think so? I can't tell the age..."

That was alarming... maybe you didn't want to see it.

"What is it?" You asked.

"...snuff footage" L replied.

Oh... yeah you definitely didn't want to see that. And clearly L didn't either. You'd both seem crime scene photos before, but that was VERY different to literal snuff films. That was something best left to the professionals in that particular field. Especially if the person in the footages age was unconfirmed.

You stepped away from the computer, out of L's grip. He just closed the window and stepped away too, not expecting what he'd just seen.

"How the hell did he even get that kind of thing?" You pondered.

L shrugged, clearly shaken from whatever he caught a glimpse of.

"I mean that's incriminating as hell, he's definitely getting sentenced for that. If he lock him up under these charges that'll prevent him from killing again as well. Then all we have to do is find all the evidence to charge him with the murders as well... but if he's managed to get snuff... maybe there's more people involved..."

The thing about snuff films is that they're extremely rare to find. Footage of people dying isn't, as security cameras and dash cams catch that kind of stuff by pure accident all the time. But footage of murder? That's rare. And usually it's only ever distributed among small rings of criminals. Those who have access to a victim will make the film and then only distribute a few copies to a few people for a massive sum of money. For a while, no one was even sure if they were real because they were so rare only rumours and hearsay about it existed. But once a group was arrested for attempting to make one, that confirmed they did exist but were very allusive.

So how the fuck did max get his hands on one? And where did it come from? Could it be the same place he was getting the poison?

Was he involved in a ring of some kind?

This just made the case even more complicated, but at least you had grounds to charge him for a crime and keep him off the streets now.

"You ok?" You asked, noticing L's thousand yard stare.

He nodded apprehensively. He clearly didn't like what he just saw, but he wouldn't have a breakdown. So he was slightly scared but ok.

"Gore?" You asked.

He nodded again, if it was enough to shake someone who's seen hundreds of crime scene photos, it just be bad. He'd stepped back and closed the window before he could finish the footage, and there was no way he'd be able to sit through it, you'd need to hand that over to a professional in the field.

"Gore and an ambiguously aged victim... that's not good. That's... gross. Real gross..." you shivered.

You'd definitely need an FBI team for this part of the case. And the victim in the footage was probably a missing person who's case hadn't been solved yet. It was like two cases in one. Things just got a whole lot more complicated. Wrapping an arm around L, he put his head on your shoulder.

"Gonna have nightmares about that?" You asked.

"Probably..." he sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll be next to you. Thanks for stopping me seeing it though, if it's that bad I would have probably thrown up"

Back to his usual lack of speech, He just wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in your shoulder. He wanted to bleach his eyes after seeing that, in all he's years as a detective he'd never seen something so gross. He was just glad you didn't have to see it. You gently rubbed his back, comforting your scarred detective. Hopefully he'd be able to push it out of his mind after a while, he only saw a few seconds of it so hopefully it won't stick in his brain too long.

"You'll be ok, how about we go look at something nice? Like... it's lunch so we can get cakes" you suggested.

That immediately cheered him up, all it took to make L smile was the mention of his favourite cakes. He smiled, nodding eagerly.

"Let's inform the police what we found and have them forward the computer to an FBI unit. Then we can get some cake, let me guess strawberry shortcake?" You smiled.

He nodded again, eager to go erase the horrors from his mind with cake. Placing a kiss on his cheek you watched him blush and smiled, taking him out of the room and away from that devils computer.

How dare someone scar your sweetheart like that? That bastard will pay.

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