Chapter 62 | together

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Well, wasn't that an interesting day.

After the arrest and collecting the ceased items, you made your way back to the orphanage. You couldn't wait for the day to be over, you weren't expecting to it take a turn like this.

When the car turned into the driveway, Rosie and L who were still playing in her room saw it through the window and were downstairs to meet you at the door in seconds. L would admit he was a little worried when he saw the time and realised you were late, so seeing you drive up to the orphanage was like a sigh of relief. Rosie's exited feet ran her as fast as she could down the hallways and L almost had to run himself to catch up with her. They made it to the door just as you opened it carrying a bag full of evidence and looking rather pissed off.

"Hey, you two waiting by the door for me are you?" You said.

You looked up, and that was when L noticed the bruise over your eye and mark on your cheek.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He asked, slightly panicked.

"Bitch bit the hell out of me, whacked me in the eye too. As soon as she saw the handcuffs she put up a fight" you sighed.

"Well, that at least confirms our suspicions... but seriously are you ok?" L asked.

"Yeah, just need some ice and a Band-Aid. And to remember not to swear in front of the child..."

You looked down at Rosie, who hugged your legs and luckily didn't seem to notice your eloquent language of 'bitch bit the hell out of me'.

"They had to take photos of the injuries for evidence?" L asked.

"Yeah, that's why I was late. I got everything though" you replied, holding up the bag.

"Well I think we can start going through that tomorrow. You need a break after that"

"You're chatty today aren't you? Even with two people around"

"Rosie and I had a talk, that's why"

So that's what they were doing while you were gone, getting better at talking to each other. Rosie seemed to be all talked out since she was silent as she hugged your legs, but you were proud of her nonetheless.

"Well down Rosie-Posie, you're learning fast" you smiled, ruffling her hair.

She smiled back with a proud giggle, she was such a sweetie.

"How about we stop playing tea parties for a while and play doctors to help (y/n)?" L suggested.

Rosie nodded eagerly, wanting to help you and be a good daughter to her new parental figures. You appreciated the help, and allowed L to take the bags off you to put away for the time being and Rosie took you by the arm and dragged you down the halls all the way to the sick bay. Usually the on site nurse was in there, but on her time off the door was always open in case someone needed a Band-Aid.

Rosie pointed to the seat by the eye chart and had you sit down. She opened the freezer and pulled out an ice pack, wrapped it in a cloth so it wasn't too cold on your skin and crawled up into your lap to hold it on your eye.

"Why thank you nurse Rosie, I feel better already" you smiled.

She smiled back, willing to hold the ice up for you as long as it took. L came back from putting the bags away, and found the sight amusing. She snickered and dug in the cupboards for a Band-Aid and disinfectant.

"You're my doctor now are you?" You asked.

"Yes, if you behave you'll get a lollipop and a sticker" L joked.

"I better get a damn sticker, they're the best part of the doctors"

He dabbed your cheek with disinfectant, it stung a little but you knew it was needed. You just couldn't believe that bitch actually BIT you? What was she an animal? You'd expect biting from a little kid with behavioural issues not a grown adult.

"How did she manage to bite you on the cheek of all places?" L asked.

"The cops needed help holding her down because she was struggling. I tried to grab her arms and that's when she punched me, so I got mad and stepped on her hand to hold it down. As I leaned down to grab her by her wrist she lunged up and fuc- fudge... fudging bit me. Feral woman..." you explained.

L had seen some wild arrests before, never been part of them since he usually works from behind a computer, but he'd never heard of someone being bit in the crossfire. He put the Band-Aid over the cut, and you were all patched up.

"There, you were a brave patient" he joked.

"You know I was, now where's my sticker?" You joked back.


He didn't have one on him of course, but if you really wanted one you could always go to the art-room. You just laughed and gave him a cheeky grin.

"A kiss is fine" you said.

That he could do, he gladly took the chance to place a sweet kiss on your lips as your reward for not making a fuss during your doctors appointment. And of course, that reminded Rosie of when she cut her knee and had you and L kiss it better for her. She leaned up to your cheek where the Band-Aid was, and gave it a kiss.

"All better!" She smiled.

Your heart may as well have just exploded. GOD she was so cute.

"Yeah, all better. You two are great doctors" you smiled, giving her a hug.

L yawned, mentally tired from all the emotions he'd had today with Rosie crying to him and how long he'd been talking today. He was about ready to fall asleep on the spot. He'd noticed he'd been sleeping a-lot more recently, guess being a parental figure does that to you.

"All talked out?" You asked.

L nodded, ready to pass out.

"Not surprising if you two have been chatterboxes all day" you replied.

There was something about L's me Rosie having the same condition and bonding over it that made you want to cry because it was so sweet. The way L helped her grow and learn how to cope with it showed just how much he cared, and the way she looked up to him for help showed how much of an impact he had on her.

"Well it is getting late, dinner will be soon. How about he finish all this case stuff tomorrow and get ready for lights out now?" You suggested.

The two wordless ones nodded, agreeing with the idea of a yummy dinner and bedtime.

"Look at you two, so in sync" you laughed.

L and Rosie looked at each other and shrugged in sync. They were just on the same wavelength sometimes. You were so lucky to have them both in your life.

"Man I love you two..."

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