Chapter 37 | love me, love you

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A/n: smut time! Also reader does have an afab body (because marketing to my main audience yo) but because they're GNC there's no mention of if they have tiddies or not, just that L's conscious of readers body situation. So they can have boobs or top surgery or anything you want.

L would admit he was a little exited, maybe it was the fact he was finally getting the love and affection he'd always wanted, or maybe it was first time nerves but he was jittery the whole ride to the hotel.

You noticed, of course you did. You always noticed his body language, in fact since meeting him you'd become a body language expert. Since he can't talk sometimes, you learnt how tell what he was thinking via his body language. And right now his slight fidgeting and shy glances mixed with his slight smile told you he was a mix of nervous and exited.

You'd admit you were exited too, although definitely a deal calmer than him.

When you arrived at the hotel, you checked in and got your key card for the 17th floor. Anyone would think you'd come from a long way away with the big suitcases you had, but you were only from a city over. Those suitcases had all the computer and case equipment you'd need for this little mission out in the city. Dragging your heavy suit cases up to the elevator and down the halls of the hotel you finally got to your room.

Pretty much the moment the door closed behind you, you dropped your suitcase and flopped face first into the soft bed.

"Ughhh my arms hurt. Damnit that bag is so heavy" you groaned.

"You could have packed lighter" L replied.

"I'm not taking any chances, what if we need extra equipment and it's all the way back at wammys?"

Fair enough, it was always good to be safe rather than sorry.

L sat on the bed next to you, flopping back into the pillows to stretch his sore arms out after carrying the bags. He was like a cat when he stretched out, twisting his back and flopping back into a heap once his soul had been snatched from a satisfying spine pop.

That man needed to work on his posture.

"I'll tell you what though, you got us a good room" you said.

"I always get good rooms, I don't like sketchy hotels" he replied.

The room was big, the bed was big and the blankets soft, there was a minibar and mini fridge, balcony and bathroom with enough room to fit a whole damn party in. And knowing L and his wealth from this job he'd probably be ordering the most expensive desserts on the room service menu later. Staying in nice hotels was always quite fun.

"Can we be bothered to set up computers now or do it tomorrow morning?" You asked.

"Tomorrow morning, we can get into investigation mode tomorrow" he replied.

"Sounds like a plan... and by the way..."

He turned to face you, and you gave him a smile.

"You've been talking a lot recently. I'm proud of you" you complimented.

His cheeks dusted a slight pink, and a smile broke on his lips.

"Thank you, I feel a lot more confident about it thanks to you" he replied.

Grabbing his hand you gave it a squeeze, one he gently returned. You did that rather often, as a wordless way of saying you loved each other.

"Now... I can tell you're nervous. It's in your body language. We don't have to if-" you began.

"No, I want to. It's just... I don't know. No one's ever seen me like that before" he replied.

You sat up, looking down at him and placed a hand on his cheek to reassure him.

No words needed [L x Reader] • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now