Chapter 53 | sudden realisation

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You made the right decision letting Rosie take that cat home. Sootie was now the resident orphanage cat, having only needed a few hours to get settled and start playing with all the kids who were exited to have a pet walking around. And of course Rosie was quick to make a little corner in her room with bed for him and put one of her stuffed animals in it for the kitten to sleep with.

Watari didn't mind having a pet for the kids, as it was good for their mental state having something like a pet to take care of. The only problem was if any of the kids had allergies, but so far none had complained of the sniffles.

So now you had not only the sounds of footsteps and laughter in the hallways, but the pitter patter of paws and purring too.

It was a nice distraction from the case, watching the kids all coo over the little ball of fluff. And Rosie was just about worthy of a mother of the year award with how well she'd been taking care of sootie so far.

But the sweet sight of her laughing as she made sootie chase a laser pointer wasn't going to stop the case in its tracks. There were still trails happing across the world where all the arrests had been made, some were quick to finish and some were dragging out. You and L had to constantly be by the computer for updates.

Not to mention... your paranoia still hadn't gone away.

"Alright, spill" L sighed.

"You already know, mr body language expert" you replied.

L spun his chair to face you, and kicked your chair to face him.

"I know you're still paranoid, but we've done all we can. We've made plenty of double checks and there's been no further developments outside the trials, there's not much I can do to help I'm afraid"

"I know, it's not your fault. I think I'm just not used to these kinds of cases. I've never done one like this before, I mean I specialise in discrimination and hate crimes, not crime rings"

L didn't like seeing you like this, he could tell it was stressing you out. And if you were stressed, it'd only end up stressing him out too. After months of being patient with him while he worked on his ability to talk to you, it was his turn to be patient with you while you got your feelings in check.

"That's understandable. Listen, I'm not saying you need to get over it or anything. Take your time, I'm just worried you're hurting yourself with all the negative thinking. That's all" L explained.

"I know, I know. I really should take a chill pill, but... it's just always there in the back of my mind. What if... what if this wasn't a crime of opportunity? What if someone deliberately told those guys where Rosie was and the robbery-murder was just a cover up? I mean crime rings are usually so planned out and careful, would they really just snatch a child ... by chance?" You sighed.

L got what you meant. It was one hell of a weird case, it didn't even start in the country! It had taken you from a string of poison murders to a crime ring on the other side of the world.

"Who would though? We've arrested all those in contact with the website, and her parents are both dead. So who would have set her up?" L questioned.

"That's the thing, I don't know. And if the chance this WAS planned and not a crime I'd opportunity is there then I don't wanna just... brush it off because we can't find anyone. We've checked everywhere, and we can't find anything. So either I'm just being paranoid and this was one big chance happening. Or... whoever did this is evading us" you replied.

L was just as lost as you were. The chance this was planned was unsettling, even though you had no evidence to suggest that other than the fact a kidnapping of opportunity is extremely rare, the skimming feeling it was planned wouldn't leave you alone. So if it was planned... who was it?

Either way, Rosie is safe now. And the case against her kidnappers, the website ring and the poison murders was almost over. But that didn't mean people should be left unpunished for the crimes just so you can call it a day.

"Who haven't we questioned? Rosie doesn't have any other family, that's why she's here. There's no other people involved in the ring... so who have we missed?" You asked.

Thinking for a moment, L scanned his mind for anyone that would have contact with Rosie and could potentially harm her, or have a reason to. No family close enough to her to be suspicious, no friends before she got to wammys either. She'd only just started school when everything happened and she wasn't able to make friends yet.

Wait a minute...

Suddenly L's eyes filled with dread as he realised there was ONE person you'd completely missed and totally forgotten a about.

"Honey-" he began.


"Her teacher"

You filled with dread too. Why didn't you think of that? She'd just started school when her parents were murdered and she was kidnapped, and the only other adult in her life was her teacher at school. That's the only person who could have planned it, and who you hadn't questioned yet. And because they were local to the area, they wouldn't need to contact the kidnappers via messages. It could be done in person leaving zero digital footprint to trace.

"If you're right then-" you began.

"Then all the children in that school could be the next victim" L finished.

Now you were onto something, and your paranoia was justified. How did you not think of that before?! The teacher is the only person with a connection to Rosie you HADN'T questioned yet.

"Oh my god L-" you said.

"I know (y/n), I know..." he replied.

You both knew what you had to do. You had to find Rosie's old school, find her teacher and question them. FAST, Before any other kids could become a target. Quickly turning back to your computer, you were on a mission to find out who that teacher was and get them into questioning as soon as possible.

If you were right, then this would be the last piece of the puzzle and the key to solving the case for good. And of course, justice for Rosie.

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