3. Sand

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I said I'd be back and here I am! This one's another Dan and Phil one, I've been watching a lot of them today

It was a normal day in the life of Dan and Phil. The older one of the two editing his most recent video for his channel AmazingPhil and Dan slipping into the sofa crease of the sofa on tumblr scrolling the day away. Phil, working away on the computer got slowly more bored until he heard the notification sound go off on his phone. Glad for the distraction, he picked it up.

Displayed on his phone screen was a youtube icon with the message "KickThePj had uploaded a video". Phil and Pj had been friends for years and even before they met Phil had always admired him on YouTube so he clicked on his video for a much needed 15 minute break. In the video Pj was at the beach doing a vlog and being his witty self. Throughout watching the video all Phil was thinking was how much he would love to go to beach. He sat on the thought for a while until pausing the video and heading to the living room.

"Dan!!!" Phil whined, dragging out the n at the end of his name. Dan looked up from his tumblr feed and smiled at the sight of his perfect boyfriend. "What's up Philly? You want cuddles to de-stress from editing?" He heald out his arms, gesturing to Phil to lay in them. Phil nodded and went over to the love of his life. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each others company until Phil looked up at Dan. "So I was watching Pj's new video..." Phil started, getting Dan to look down at him. "He was at the beach and it got me thinking-" Dan finished his sentence for him. "You were thinking that you wanted us to have a day at the beach weren't you?" Dan smiled as Phil nodded. "Okay, tomorrow we'll get on the train and go to the nearest sandy beach. You deserve a break anyway" Dan declared. Phil smiled at his remark, he knew his boyfriend was correct. For the past week all he was doing was recording, editing, uploading  and he was pretty tired. The two cuddled for the rest of the day, planning for their day at the beach.

The next morning Phil woke up early, excited and eager to get on the train already. It was 8:23 am and he knew Dan wouldn't be up even if they had planned to go out. Phil quickly changed into a blue plad shirt and some jeans then ran over to Dan's room. He vigorously knocked on his door then went in without a sound leaving Dan's mouth. "Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan!" Phil chanted while poking the sleeping man's arm. "Ugh, what?" Dan muttered, still half asleep. "Beach!" Phil shouted, scaring Dan half to death. "Bloody hell, I'm definitely awake now" Dan remarked then signed and climbed out of bed. While Dan was getting up, Phil was frantically running around the house packing a backpack of essential beach gear. They had made the decision last night that the two of them were going to have a picnic beach date so Phil was opening the cupboards and draws grabbing everything necessary. It was rare him and Dan would go on dates since they were both so busy and Phil was determined to make it special.

All the prep was worth it in the end as they both had an amazing time at Brighton beach. They had a picnic, went swimming in the sea and even made sand castles. At the end of the day Phil wanted to bring something home so he could remember this perfect date so he bought a tiny jar and scooped up some of the sand from the beach. He'd always been the sentimental type after all and even to this day that jar of sand sits proudly on their fireplace, reminding them of their past romances together.

So cute!!!! I'll actually do one tomorrow I promise so cya then.

One-shot 3: 29th May 2022 (11:57pm)

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