19. Wreck

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Wreck? You're kidding me right? Well lets see how this goes!

(Dan and Phil One-Shot)

Quiet. That's what the Dan and Phil apartment was. You could here a pin drop as they say. Just how Phil liked it. Dan had gone out for the day, he didn't say why but then again he never does. Phil sometimes gets annoyed at that since he likes being with Dan. I mean, they live together, they love  together. But that fact aside Phil was happy enough with everything quiet and calm. It made him calm that way. This silence was perfect, quiet...quiet....SLAM! The sound of the door slamming took Phil out of his daze and the booming footsteps coming towards him. "PHILLY!!!" Dan yelled and hugged his lover. Jumping at his yell, Phil hugged him back and saw that Dan had a box in his hand that was nicely wrapped. "Who's the present for? It's certainly not my birthday haha!" Phil chuckled. His boyfriend laughed with him until he spoke again. "I know it's not your birthday silly but that doesn't mean I can't buy the love of my life something nice!" Dan eclaimed then extended his arms forward to give the present to Phil. "You got me something? Awww Danny!" Phil replied and took the box from Dan's hands. Without wasting a second Phil tore through the wrapping and opened the lid of the box. What he saw was a blanket he had been wanting for ages! It was white with the Buffy The Vampire Slayer logo on it. Obviously Phil wanted it, being the massive Buffy fan he is but the previous times they've gone into town they walked past the shop the blanket was in so he could never get it. Luckily Dan's a good boyfriend, that and he saw Phil's face drop the last time they pasted the shop.

Phil wore that blanket all around the house. In the living room watching movies with Dan. In the kitchen stealing Dan's cereal. Even in the bathroom where he- well you can guess what happens in the bathroom. Point being he almost never takes it off. He must of wished he took it off when Dan asked him if he wanted to watch a horror movie with him. The both of them have watched horror films before so they never usually get too scared while watching them. Dan had bought a dvd of the newest horror films in the shops and wanted to watch it with his boyfriend so they got the dvd, they got the popcorn and they got the drinks. Now white is known for being hard to get stains out of. Coffee, Phil's choice of drink, leaves very obvious stains. And Phil, is a very very clumsy. When the first jumpscare hit Phil jumped and splashed coffee all over his beloved blanket. "AAAAH DAN! PAUSE THE FILM IT'S MY BLANKET!!!" Phil screamed. Dan jumped at his sudden yelling but did what was asked of him and turned the light back on. "Phil whats up- oh my god thats a massive stain!" Dan remarked. Phil had worry dead in his eyes, he knew white was so hard to get stains from so from his point of view he had wrecked the amazing gift Dan had got him. " Nooo! It's ruined, I'm such a terrible boyfriend. I can't even keep a nice gift from being wrecked by my clumsiness! Phil sighed and put his head in his hands. "You know that's not true! Accidents happen Phil, it's okay." Dan reasurred while hugging his lover. The other boy melted in his embrace, still hiding his face. "The stain only builds character you know, you can remember it as a memory!" He picked up the piece of blanket with the stain on it on pointed. "This here stain marks the time I watched the scariest horror film with Dan!". Dan could hear a faint muffled laugh coming from Phil before he looked up. "Thanks Dan, you're the best." Phil said now smiling at his amazing boyfriend.

I think that was alright! Not my best but it was pretty okay!

One-shot 19: 4th August 2022 (10:29 pm)

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