43. Pest

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Pest? I dunno lets just try it

(A Dan and Phil fanfic)

Dan's POV:

Well, no one said living with someone would be easy, no less a guy you've been dating online for years. Recently after dropping out of University me and my boyfriend Phil decided to get a place together in Manchester so we get to be together. It's been a month since we moved into this flat and yeah its nice to be with the guy I've loved since I was 18 but sometimes it can be a bit much. Basically, Phil is one of those people who really, REALLY loves affection and needs attention 24 hours of the day whereas I, while also loving that, also likes my own time where I have alone time. Everytime I try to get some alone time though I get a knock on my bedroom door and a voice behind it asking for cuddles. I was determined not to bring it up since though I don't see it as reasonably a bad thing, I'm worried Phil will. This all came to a head when I sat down to record a video.

I decided to make one of my Internet Support Group videos since the email address for it had gotten 136 more emails since the last one. While setting everything up like the background and camera like clockwork I got a knock at my door. "Dan?" I heard Phil say behind the door. "Yeah?". "I miss you! Cuddles?" he asked in a slightly child-like way. All I did was sigh. See, we literally just had some 10 minutes ago and told him that I'll be recording so anyone could see why I was a little bit pissed. There was no hiding this now, the best thing to do is to tell him how I feel about it and get it sorted out. "Phil, come in here. I think we need to talk." I announced. "That doesn't sound like a good thing." Phil replied whilst coming in the room.

As he made his way to sit next to me on the bed I took a deep breath and said, "Listen, it's not that I don't love cuddling you and being near you because I most certainly do, sometimes I just need a small bit of alone time. Especially if I'm filming a video okay? That doesn't take away from how much I love you, I love you with everything I have but, just like how you like watching Buffy, I like some alone time.". Phil stayed silent for a bit which made me feel like a twat for saying anything in the first place. He probably thinks I hate being near him which isn't true at all. I moved in with him to spend as much time with him as I possibly can. Nothing compares to seeing his face every morning and the smile it gets when he sees me, I just hope I haven't fucked that up. Maybe I over exaggerated? Technically I don't hate his constant need for affection, my social battery just drains quickly. Does that make me the terrible one in the relationship? Fuck, I knew I would ruin everything.

"Okay, I understand that. I can tone it down a bit. Anyway, after you've done with your video can we order a takeaway?". What? Was that it? "Wait, so you're not angry?". "Why should I be? I knew when we moved together we'd have to work together so we don't kill eachother. Put it this way, it's not like you're telling me to change my whole personality is it?" Phil replied cheerfully. "Wow...you don't know how scared I've been to say something, I was so worried that I would upset you!" I admitted. A soft smile formed from Phil's lips as he hugged me. "Aww Dan, never be afraid to bring up any problems you have, okay?". Nodding, I rested into his arms, glad I didn't lose the thing I love the most. Him. "I love you so much Phil". "I love you too Dan, forever.".


One-shot 43: 26th April 2023 (4:50 pm)

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