36. Money

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Hello, hello! I haven't done a Dan and Phil fic in ages. Not since last year. I am way overdue so...

(A Dan and Phil fanfic)

Dan's POV:

Well today was insane. I'll start from the top. I woke up at midday today and actually had the motivation to record a video. Shocking I know but with that in mind I got up and threw on my black jeans and shirt ready to start the day of recording. First of course I needed, for me, breakfast so I went to the kitchen to make myself some cereal at least that eas my plan. When I got to the kitchen and picked up my box of cereal to find no cereal on the box! Obviously I knew who stole it.

"Phil! Did you eat my cereal again? I've told you, money doesn't come out of thin air when we have London rent to pay!" I shouted. Phil ran into the room after I yelled that. "Danny calm down, its just cereal. Have some toast or something." he spoke calmly. "Yeah sure, just cereal. You really need to learn about money management you cereal addict." I joked. "You know you love me really." Phil charmed then kissed me on the cheek and walked out. He's lucky I do love him. God, he's the only thing I do love instead of worrying about what I need to do to pay the rent each month. I haven't turned to selling my body yet but the choice is on the table. Regardless, I filled my body with food and got ready to record for the day.

Luckily I had wrote a script a few days prior ready for filming so I set up my camera, sat in my chair and pressed record. "Hello Internet, I'd like to tell you a story about dreams and how they get crushed and die" I began while telling the story of my bitchy piano teacher I had growing up. I went through my script word for word, messing up here and there but it doesn't matter since that's what editing for! After I stopped filming I got on with filming my acting bits and proceeded to edit it all together. Turns out it took me all of the rest of the day to edit the hour of footage to 10 minutes so after I finished up I decided to watch a movie with Phil and upload it tomorrow. If only putting so much time into my videos actually paid I thought but didn't elaborate further.

I woke up the next morning at noon as per usual and remembered that I  needed to upload that video I did the day before so I begrudgingly got out of bed to my pc. Yawning I clicked on YouTube studio to render in the footage until I read what was on my screen. 'Well done danisnotonfire you've got your first pay check!'. Paycheck? I know I put my card details on my account for premium but I didn't know this would happen! When did you start getting paid for uploads? How have I been paid for this? Is this a joke? Is it April 1st? So many unanswered questions, all that could be answered by clicking on the text. Upon clicking on it I see this message:
'As a YouTube creator now in the safe and occupational hands of Google you can now earn money through ads and views. This wage will be given monthly straight into your financial accounts. The number of views and ads watched from those views determines how much money is in the salary for that month. Keep up the great uploads and you'll see the reward.

Many Regards, Susan. The head of YouTube.'

Holy shit was my first thought I must admit but then I got curious. I was having a good month views wise last month which I was guessing is what this payment was from. Opening a new tab on my browser I opened up my banking profile to see if any payments had come in and I was blown away at the number on my screen. 6 figures. I had a lot over £100,000 in there! My first instinct was to tell Phil to check his. "Phil! Phil get in here!". "Yes?" he responded, coming into my room then noticed what was on my screen. "Oh my god! How have you got that much in there! We're basically rich Dan!" Phil exclaimed. "I-I dunno, I opened my YouTube to upload and it said something about ads and getting paid for videos." I explained, still blown away. "Wait, that's from YouTube? Hold on" he holted then ran to his room to presumably check his. "Dan! You're right, I also have 6 figures!" he yelled. I walked over as calm as I could to his room. "Phil, go buy all the cereal you need love. We no longer have to worry.".

Not the greatest but 🤷‍♀️

One-shot 36: 9th February 2023 (7:12 pm)

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