40. Fake

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I'm finally at 40! Wait, how am I only at 40 I've had this book for nearly a year now?!

(A Gerard Way fanfic)

Gerard's POV:

A few things to know about my wife, Aims:
1. They about the people they love so passionately

2. If someone touches their cd collection she'll go moody for 45 minutes then want cuddles

3. They're a great mom

4. They have this fake designer coat that they won't let out out of their sight

The coat always has to be where they know it is. Usually they'll drape it over a chair we have in our bedroom. I don't think I've ever seen them without it on when we go out. When we met they were even wearing it! Bare in mind I've known Aims now for a good 10 years now! I've only just realised this fact about them. Its like there's some sentimental value to it that they haven't told me about. Well at least they didn't until yesterday.

It was a Friday morning, Aims missed all their alarms for taking Vanelope to school but I didn't blame them since Mark, our youngest child who was still a baby, kept waking them up. With that in mind, I let them sleep and got Vanelope up and ready for school. The car ride was good atleast, Vanelope wasn't putting up a fuss about going and we listened to her favourite song. Kinda weird because her favourite song is one of mine but I digress. After dropping her off I school I go buy me and Aims something for breakfast since they didn't need the task of making breakfast after the night before. I buy their favourite sausage and bacon sandwich from a little bakery in town then return home.

When I arrived home I set the breakfast bag on the counter top in the kitchen then checked on Mark, still sleeping. I went upstairs to mine and Aims's room to see if they were awake except they weren't in bed. Not only thar but the coat was gone off the chair. "Babe?" I called out to the dimly lit room. Whilst walking around the room a bit I finally heard a sound. Sobbing coming from our closet. Our closest is a walking in one so it's pretty spacious, I knew they had to be in there. Knocking softly I say, "Aims? Darling I'm coming in okay?". Slowly I opened the door and I saw Aims on the floor, crying and clutching the fake designer coat in their arms. "Babe! What's wrong?" I say, joined them on the floor and holding then close to me.

"The coat." they let out, "The coat has a huge rip in it!". They're crying over a coat? "Aww, love its okay. I'll get you a new one, the actual designer brand it was based off." I console, not knowing I actually made it worse. "No!" she shouted and buried their head deeper in the coat. "Okay! We won't get a new one. You must really find this coat special huh? How come?" I say in the most sincere way I could. They took a whole to answer but finally they replied, "It was my mum's.". Aims never mentions their mom usually. They never talk about her so I know nothing about her. "Your mom's? Did something happen to her that made it so sentimental?". "She...she....she died when I was 15. The day before she passed she was wearing this coat out. I kept it to remember her.". It all makes sense now. I tried to rekindle the situation, "Oh Aims I'm so sorry...how about this, we fix the rip in the coat. Make it look new again. What do you think?" I said, hugging them tightly. In response they slowly nod and I get them on their feet. "I bought your favourite breakfast from that bakery you like, it's downstairs. Come on." I tell them and lead them downstairs. I'll never underestimate a coat again.

I ligit had no idea what to write to this will do.

One-shot 40: 3rd April 2023 (7:59 am)

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