17. X-ray

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Okay this one's a hard one, here we go!

(Dan and Phil One-shot)

Phil's POV:

2:30 am and here I am in a hospital waiting room again! By myself may I add since Dan was asleep. Why am I here? Well that's a long story.

This all started at 11 pm. I woke up next to my lovely Danny boy asleep on top of me. Fully on top of me! I don't remember him getting on me last night but that's how I woke up. He's a heavy sleeper so I knew if I moved him off me then he'd stay sleeping so I did. There was no going back to sleep now I thought so I got up to get myself a cup of coffee. Almost stumbling into the wall I managed to get to kitchen and grab a mug from the cupboard above me. Flicking on the kettle and adding a spoonful off coffee powder to the cup I went to get the milk out. What I saw was everything besides milk. The only way to sort this was obviously to go to the shops and buy some so I sighed and walked to the front door, sliding on my shoes and a coat. Now, I am an incredibly clumsy person. Dan will tell you I am always getting bruises from falling over myself. He would also tell you how I am even more clumsy when I'm tired. Me still being tired I got to the first step, slipped over my laces that I forgot to tie and fell down all 47 steps of my flat. After I stopped falling I tried to stand up and SNAP! Something in me broke. Do I know what broke? No. Did I move again to find out? No. So I did what any sane person would do and called myself an ambulance.

That brings us to present time. Waiting for results of an X-ray. Luckily the hospital wasn't busy so I got saw straight away. The doctor asked me why I was here so I explained what I did and I swear he was trying not to laugh! It's not my fault I'm a clutz. Anyway he said that they needed to do an X-ray to find out which bone I had heard snapped. We went in did the thing and I then I was put here to wait. Yep, it was that quick. I'm bored. I miss Dan.

Dan's POV:

I woke up my phone ringing at god knows what time. Grumbling, I pick it up. Phil was calling. He's meant to be next to me though. Quickly I turn around to see an empty bed side where my boyfriend should be. Now being confused I answer my phone. "Dan! Finally, I've been calling you for ages." Phil blurted out from the other side of the phone. "Where are you?" I ask. He sighed and said "Well long story short I fell down the stairs and now I'm at the hospital.". My eyes widen with concern. "You did what?! I'm coming to you right now! Don't move babe." I practically yelled before hanging up and running to my wardrobe to get dressed. It didn't take me long to run down the stairs of our apartment and to my car to which I drove quite quickly. All I could think of was Phil, the man I have loved for years now, all alone at the hospital probably being a huge hypercondriact and thinking he's going to die! The car drive was quick and I parked up running into the hospital. "Phil!" I exclaimed when I saw him in the waiting room. "Dan! I- owww" Phil whinced while trying to hug me. Not wanting to put him in anymore pain I simply put my hand over his and kiss his cheek. "I'm here now Phil, it's going to be okay I promise. Now tell me what happened, the full story." I reassured my boyfriend. In between small whinced of pain he told me everything. "You clutz!" I laugh. "I know, I know but I'm okay now you're here." He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder. Kissing him on the head I then rest my head on his and awaited the doctor's results.

"Mr Lester?" A voice called out. "Here!" Phil replied. I help him to his feet and we followed the doctor to his office. "Right Mr Lester, from your recent X-ray we can confirm that you have broken your left arm, fractured your right wrist and spraned your left ankle." The doctor declared. My lover nods and he continues. "Where we go from here is that we put a sling on your arm for 6 weeks and put you on bed rest for at least a month. I'll prescribe you some strong painkillers which you need to take 3 times a day, do you understand?". "Yes, if I don't then my boyfriend will look after me" Phil responded then smiled at me. Time moved so fast at that point. Phil got his sling on and was given a crutch to help him get to my car. "Well then, a month of bed rest. No making videos, no editing. How will you survive?" I laughed while starting up the car. "I should be fine, I've got you to keep me amused" Phil respond sweetly. I've got my work cut out for the next month it seems.

I can totally see that happening lol!

One-shot 17: 22nd July 2022 (11:30 pm)

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