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Perfect! I started writing this one for number 14 but it was going no where so I redid it. However I still liked the story I was writing so I saved it waited for an opportunity to use it. This is the perfect opportunity!

(A Dan and Phil One-shot)

The day had finally come. The day 2 internet friends took the next step into friendship. The day Dan met Phil. It was 2009 and Dan and Phil had been talking over Skype for months now but had never met in person. Sure, they both fantasied that one day they'd have a fun packed adventure together but nothing was ever arranged it was just empty words. Words the both of them dreamt about. See, Dan liked Phil and Phil liked Dan but neither of them would admit it. Both were scared it would ruin everything they'd built up over the months of talking. They didn't want to lose each other, even if they both wanted more.

That was until the past week. Phil randomly blurted out on one of there Skype calls that his flat mates were going to be out of town for a week and really wanted Dan to stay over. Of course Dan quickly dropped everything  to spend a full week with his online best friend. Also hoping Phil would make any clear indication that he was interested in more then friendship. It was unclear for a while since Phil would now and again start flirting which probably started off his crush. He booked train tickets almost immediately after the words left Phil's mouth. So there Dan was a few days later, on a train to Manchester.

The whole day the 2 were texting.

Dan: I'm so excited!!!

Phil: Not as much as me! I've waited months for my flat mates to go off

Dan: Yeah but you weren't the one stalking my profile for months was it Philly?

Phil: Okay, maybe you are as excited as me

Dan: Exactly, this is going to be the best week of my life

Phil: Because I'm the best thing in your life 😏

Dan: I'm not confirming or denying that

Phil: I see 😉

Dan: 😶

Phil: I'm just glad I get to have you for a full 7 days, the things I can do with you

Dan: Ooh is that a promise

Phil: You're not meant to flirt back! Now I'm all flustered

Dan: Aha, success!

Dan: Anyway, I'm 5 minutes away

Phil: Finallyyyyy

Dan: Train signal is shit, I'll see you at the station

Phil: Yep, you can count on that Danny

*Dan Howell read your message at 9:40am*

Those 5 minutes flew by and Dan finally felt the train stop and the station. He took a deep breath and walked off the train. "Oh my god, Dan!" Phil yelled from across the platform and started running towards Dan. Dan ran towards him too and they hugged when they met. Phil's hug was so warm, so tender, it was all Dan ever dreamed of. The hug lingered for a bit until Phil pulled away. "I can't believe you're actually here! You're even more cute in real life!" The older boy exclaimed. Cute. That got Dan's heart racing that's for sure. His cheeks turned pink before Dan replied, "Thanks, you're even hotter in real life.". It went quiet for a bit, Dan thought he made things awkward but then Phil did something to change his mind. He kissed Dan. The kiss was soft, sweet, loving and the 2 of them melted into it with Dan putting his arms around Phil's waist and Phil running his fingers through Dan's hair. It lasted for about a minute and they both pulled away. Dan went back in for more but Phil stopped him. "We can do that more back at my place, come on.". Since that day Dan knew where Phil's feelings lied. In more ways then one.

Adorable and worth saving!

One-shot 18: 22nd July 2022 (11:52 pm)

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