44. Burn

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Writing this for my friend who I wrote about earlier in this book (Hi Beth btw) for the first time here's:

(A Tom Holland fanfic)

It was a Tuesday morning when it happened. The day Beth's life changed forever. The 19 year old was at her boring office job, going through all the articles she had to submit. As a distraction from the bore she nodded on the grey barrier wall thing that was next to her. Her friend Aims popped her head over it. They both got a job there after dropping out of school and god how they regret it. "Coffee break?" Beth asked. "Of course!" Aims replied then they both walked over to the break room. Aims made 2 mugs of coffee while Beth sighed. "This fucking job is killing me! All I do from 9 to 5 is type and send, type and send. If I have to send one more article I might bash my head into the keyboard.". "God I know what you mean but our only choice is working here or going back to school so this sounds better in my eyes." Aims pointed out, placing the cups on the glass table in front of them. They sipped their coffee and joked for a while until something out of the ordinary happened.

"Can you smell smoke or is it just me?". After Beth said that the fire alarm started blaring throughout the building. "Holy shit! We gotta get out of-" Aims stopped talking after the door wouldn't open. They tried opening the door for what felt like hours, their panic rising. "Aims we're fucking stuck! We're gonna die! We're gonna burn in a fire and die!". "CALM DOWN PANICING WILL GET IS NO WHERE!" Aims screaming, grabbing onto Beth's shoulders. Beth started pacing up and down the room. "What are we gonna do then?". "What anyone would do in this situation.". Aims and Beth looked at each other and nodded. "HELP! HELP WE'RE STUCK IN HERE! HELP US!" they both yelled, banging on the door and walls. Then they saw a figure swoop by the window. "Was that...".

With that the window smashed open and Spiderman burst through. "Oh my god!" Aims said in admiration. "We don't have much time guys, come here." Spider Man hurried them. Bother of them ran to him and wrapped their arms around his waist. Spiderman stretched his arm out and shot a web to a nearing lamp post and swung them out of their burning workplace. Putting them on the ground to safety, Beth took the opportunity to show her appreciation to the man who saved her life. "Thank you so much! Oh I could kiss you right now!" Beth gushed. Shockingly, Spiderman looked around then pulled up his mask to reveal his lips. "Kiss me then." he whispered. Beth put her hands on his hidden cheeks and kissed him passionately. The kiss was long and movie-like, then. "CUT!".

"Great scene guys, we'll see all three of you back on set tomorrow!" the director called out. Beth and 'Spiderman' broke their kiss just after the word cut was yelled, Beth's cheeks turning a pinkish colour. She had fallen for her co-star. Her co-star being Tom Holland. Tom removed his mask and smiled at Beth. "Great job Beth, that might have been the best kiss I've ever had to do in a movie.". "You weren't too bad yourself" Beth replied. A wink directed at Beth shot from Tom's eye until then addressing both Beth and Aims. "I'll see you both tomorrow then, have a good night.". "Yep! Have a good evening Tom." Aims perked before walking away to go to her hotel. Aims had invited Beth over to their hotel room for a couple of hours for a few drinks and was expecting Beth to follow her after saying bye to Tom. As Beth was walking away though her arms got grabbed by some familiar hands. She turned around to see it was Tom holding her back. "Can you make it to my hotel room at 8pm? I want to talk to you alone." he whispered. "I'll be there." Beth whispered back. Smiling, Tom then put a key in Beth's hand then walked away. His hotel room key.

Aims and Beth did end up back at Aims's hotel room. Like their characters in the movie, them too are friends and would usually hang out after filming. They told eachother everything so, of course, Beth told Aims what happened with Tom. "Are you gonna go then?" Aims asked. After taking a sip of her wine Beth responded with a shrug. "I'm not sure.". "Come on! You've been crushing on him ever since we started the movie and normally guys don't just whisper seductively in girls ears and give them keys to their hotel room for nothing." Aims pointed out. "Okay, okay I'll go! I guess I don't have anything to lose". Beth looked at the clock on the wall of Aims's room and smiled. "Well, I guess if I'm going then nows the time to." Beth remarked, standing up from the sofa. "Tell me everything that happens okay?". "Of course." Beth replied before leaving the room and walking down the corridor to Tom's room. Her hand grew heavy on the door knob before she controlled her emotions and unlocked the door. "Tom?".

To be continued...

One-shot 44: 4th May 2023 (4:25 pm)

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