22. Truck

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Look who remembered this existed! Yeah...I don't really have an excuse on why I left for a month except for the part that I actually got friends! A big achievement for me. But anyway, you're not here for my life. You're here for the 22nd story. Truck? Fucking truck?! Here we go!

(A Mark Owen fanfic)

Mark's POV:

Tour has been insane this year! City to city, country to country. I wake up and I'm in a new place everyday. Sometimes it's quite overwhelming.  The only thing that has been keeping me grounded is the face that my girlfriend, Bonnie, has been with me on this crazy journey. I don't know what I'd do without them honestly. Even if we've been very mischievous.

One time in Amsterdam just before a show me and them were wondering around the venue until we got to where the trucks are. We have about 4 trucks on this tour so we can transport all of our set to each venue. When we got to the parking lot where the trucks were parked Bonnie squeezed my hand randomly. I turn to face them and grab their free and say "What's up cutie". They go a pinkish colour and giggle a little before telling me the reason. "I just had a funny thought is all" Bonnie chucked. "Ooh and what might that be?" I respond. Bonnie looks over to the trucks then back at me, they do this 3 times until I finally know what they're on about. "The trucks huh? I mean I have 2 hours until the show, how about we explore!" I suggest. We then run hand in hand over to the nearest truck.

"It's so big!" Bonnie exclaims, looking up at the vehicle. I laugh slightly and say "Yeah it's pretty big but you would think anything is big." then pat their head teasingly. "Hey!" they yell and grab my hand. We laugh and I kiss the hand that is holding mine. I walk around slightly to the drivers side door and try to open it up. I sigh when it wouldn't. "Too bad there's no way in, the door is locked.' I say to what I thought was my girlfriend next to me. Looking down I realised they were no where to be seen. That was until I heard their perky little voice at the back end of the truck. Their voice warms my heart. "Markie! The back doors are open, come on." They yell to me and I start jogging over to them. Admiring them a little, I watch as they try climb into the truck to no avail. "You shortie" I whisper into their ear as I picked them up into the truck. Placing my hands on their legs I then say "I love it" and smile softly at the person I love. Laughing softly they look down at me and whisper "Get up here so I can kiss you darling". No need to tell me twice! As quick as it was said I climbed into the truck and wrapped my arms around the beauty before me. Going up on their toes, Bonnie reached for my lips and kissed them passionately. Putting their arms over my shoulders as the kiss went on. We must of been so into the kiss that we didn't realise the truck doors had been shut on us. Only realising when the engine turned on.

Bonnie nearly lost their balance and was about to fall over until I tightened my grip on their waist. "Is it just me or are we moving right now?" Bonnie whispered. "Shit we are!" I reply almost worried. Not worried about being late for the show, not worried about my bandmates being worried about me. Worried for Bonnie's safety of course! However in true Bonnie fashion, they couldn't see the danger in this situation. "Fun! I've never been in the back of a moving truck before." They chuckled. I roll my eyes and shuffle us to the nearest wall of the truck. "What are we gonna do?!" I almost yell. My girlfriend shakes their head and puts their finger over my lip like I'm a 4 year old in nursery. "We're not gonna panic, that's what we're gonna do!" They say so softly it nearly calms me down. "It will all be fine darling, we've been in tighter situations then this before! Do you remember what happens every time we get ourselves in these types of troubles?" they ask, still as soft as before. I sighed heavily and rested my forehead on theirs. "We were okay." I reply just as soft as them. Bonnie placed a sweet kiss on my lips and cautiously let go of my shoulders. Confused and still worried for their safety I tighten even more on their waist. "Let go so I can breathe!" They whisper and I unwillingly do as I was told.

I watch as they walk like a drunk person over to the nearest window. Ready to run over if I even see them stumble. They gripped tight on the window sill and looked out. Turning their head, I see them going to say something to me until the truck holted suddenly and they slip. Not caring if I get hurt in the process, I run over to my girlfriend and catch them just before they hit the cold floor. Without a warning I clash my mouth onto theirs and pull away quickly and warn them to "never scare me like that again!". Bonnie giggled and whispered "I was gonna say we're going into a McDonald's!" and we both burst into a fit of giggles. I swiftly bring Bonnie back to their feet as we hear the driver unlock the vehicle and exit it. "Now I think if can somehow open this window I can hop out and open the doors for you!" Bonnie let out quickly. The window was on the wall opposite the doors me and them went into and showed the driver and passenger seat. It was a pretty sizable window at that and Bonnie could effetlessly fit through it because of their small frame so I nod at them. Bonnie went back over to the window and looked for the handle to open it. When finding it they realised it was locked and needed a key. Thinking for a while I saw them reach into their hair as I looked at them inquisitively. They pull something out and muttered "A Bobby pin, perfect for these situations" and swung the window open. "I know I'm cute but stop staring and help me up!" They giggle to me. I go over to the cute son of a gun and kiss them before I help them through the window.

They left me in the truck on my own for 10 minutes! Until suddenly I hear the two massive doors open and light spills into the truck. Standing there was Bonnie swinging the keys in their fingers, in the other hands a McDonald's bag. "You couldn't expect me to be at McDonald's and not get something!" They yell up to me. I jump out of the truck and right infront of their adorable face. A smile and say "As long as you got me something that's fine....now how are we gonna get out of here?". Looking down at me girlfriend I see that mischievous look in their eyes once again and know instantly what they're thinking. "Fine, but I'm driving love." I reply and snatch the keys out of their hands. We actually stole the truck and drove it back go the venue! It was awesome! Luckily I still had half an hour before the Take That show started so we chilled in our hotel room eating the McDonald's. What a day to spend with the love of my life.

This was too much fun!!!!

One-shot 22: 5th November 2022 (2:53pm)

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