33. Light

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I was gonna add to my new smut book but I just don't feel like writing the words "cumming" and "hard on" in quick succession so I'm just gonna do a cute little story to ease myself into writing for the day then maybe I'll feel like describing people moaning 😂

Also this is gonna be about my favourite mcr song called 'the light behind your eyes' which you can listen too up top. ☝️ Oh and trigger warnings: talks of suicide (no one actually commits to it though), suicide note writing

This has to have been the longest authors note to I've ever done might as well get into it.

Aims has finally broke. They felt empty, alone and hated. Sure they had a few friends but ,through no fault of their own, none of them knew what Aims was going through and definitely not what they were planning to do. It had come to a point where they convinced themselves that if they weren't on this planet no one would care and that they'd be forgot about. Those thoughts kept spiralling and spinning until there Aims was now. A pen in hand, a sheet of plain paper in front of them and a bottle of pills within arms reach on the table. The plan was to write their final note then down the full bottle of pills to stop the emotional pain they were under.

With a deep breath and tears in their eyes, their pen met the paper to write their final words:

So long to all my friends, every one of them met tragic ends. With every passing day I'd be lying if I didn't say that I miss them all tonight and if they only knew what I would say. If I could be with be with you tonight. I would sing you to sleep, never let them take the light behind your eyes! Today I'll lose this fight as I fade in the dark just remember you will always burn as bright. Be strong and hold your hands, time become for us. You'll understand. We'll say goodbye today and I'm sorry how it ends this way.

Their eyes stung from the amount of tears that fell from them and their hands were shaking. They were in hysterics! Finally cracking under the pressures they faced. Of course no one knew those pressures though, their whole life they bottled things up which is probably what brought them to this stage in the first place. It'll all be over soon though they kept telling themselves. The note was done now, the only thing left was to go ahead with it. "Alexa, play The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance." They cried out what was gonna be their final words. Obviously their final words would be putting on music. Wiping the tears away from their eyes they found themselves staring at the bottle of pills on the table. This is it, the final hurdle. Swallowing those pills would finally end it all. Finally end the pain. If that was the case then why were they so scared? Regardless they shook it off and grabbed the bottle. Whilst unscrewing the cap they suddenly saw a beam of light coming into their dimly lit bed room.

"Aims? Sorry its me Kio, you've been really quiet recently so I thought I'd check up on- Aims!" Kioni screamed out. They ran over to their crying best friend and grabbed their wrist. "Please Aims don't do it! I'm begging you, I can't lose you!" They cried out, now crying with Aims. "K-Kio I...I-" Aims stuttered out before hugging Kioni, burying their face into Kioni's shoulder. "I just can't do this anymore! Every fucking day is a fight and I've finally lost it. Kio I don't know what else to do!" They muffled out into Kioni's shoulder. "I'm here now, it's okay. Talk to me Aims, let everything out I'll listen." Kio comforted, trying to will the tears away to help their friend on the brink of taking their own life. Aims just let it all out, everything that led them up to this moment. Kio understood why they'd want to not be here, they had valid reasons but Kio just couldn't let them.

Grabbing Aims by the shoulders, Kio looks Aims dead in their glazed eyes and said, "Listen to me, we're gonna be stronger together now. Never let anyone make you feel like this, I'll always be here. I can't wake up everyday not seeing the light behind your eyes and I'm not gonna let anyone take the light behind your eyes okay?". Silence fell between them. Just the sounds of Aims's cries is what could be heard. Until Aims finally managed to speak. "If you promise not to cry, then I'll tell you just what I would say if I couldn't be with you tonight.". "O-okay, you can tell me. If it helps me to understand you can tell me anything. Kio responded. Then Aims's gestured to the piece of paper on the desk. Kioni picked up the paper and read the shaky handwriting on it. Breathing in and out to try and stop the tears with every word. "Aims I, I had no idea. I'm so sorry I had no idea!" they choked out. "No, no. None of this is your fault Kio and I don't want you to think it is, that was never my intention I just didn't know how to tell you." Aims admitted.

"Okay. Hey how about we go for a walk? We can listen to My Chem and hang out like old times. Then after we can go back to mine and we can watch Gerard Way edits a-and you can sleep over!" Kioni enthused. They knew Aims was happiest when doing that and of course Kioni enjoyed it too. Aims nodded and sniffled. "Y-yeah, that sounds fun. Can I change my top first though? This one's a bit damp now." Aims lightly laughed out. "Of course, I'll wait outside and....please don't go back to what you were about to do when I leave." Kio pleaded. "I promise I won't, thank you for helping me. You truly are bestest best mate I've ever had.".

Wow that got real, sorry for bringing you into this Kio.

One-shot 33: 20th December 2022 (8:36 pm)

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