13. Crime

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Hi, hello I am back. Sorry its been ages...I don't have an explanation as to why but nevertheless I am here. Let's wack out another one of these shall we...(Oh this one's a Dan and Phil one)

It was mid October in London. The leaves on trees were turning warm colors and it was getting that little bit colder as winter was coming. This is also known as the spooky month as on the 31st it was the national holiday of Halloween and the Dan and Phil apartment was already looking spooky. However Phil wasn't in the mood for spooks and scares that lie in this time of the month, he wanted to be though. That's when he had the bold idea to watch true crime documentaries. Now Phil could watch horror films all day long and it wouldn't affect him as he knew that it wasn't and will never be real. True crime docs on the other hand document real things. He couldn't have have comfort of fiction when watching these but of course Phil didn't think of that and started watching anyway.

2 hours in, Phil had already watched 3 documentaries on serial killers and death row prisoners. However he was comple fine....atleast that's what it looked that. Dan was also watching the documentaries with him and, even if Dan couldn't care less, didn't want to show that he was shitting himself. Phil had no idea how terrifying real life was! All the 2 of them do is stay in making videos, he had no idea outside life is filled with murders and assaults. Was he safe living in London? Was he going to get stabbed by a serial killer? Was Dan going to stab him?! His head was going bezerk. Until he felt a touch on his thigh. "You don't need to hide the fact that you're scared Phil, I can see it in your eyes" Dan reassured, slightly squeezing the other man's thigh to show comfort. Without a word Phil flopped onto Dan and hugged him tightly. "I'm here love, no serial killer clown is going to come and hurt you while I'm here." Dan muttered into Phil's ear which made him physically relax. They sat and cuddled on the sofa all night, still watching crime documentaries but Phil wasn't nearly as scared anymore. In Dan's arms he knew he was safe and cared for which is all that mattered.

There we go! Hope you enjoyed...I don't know what to put here so byeeee

One-shot 13: 27th June 2022 (12:23 am)

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