50. Splinter

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The big 50! Half way done and it only took me over a year- that's not important um...by this rate this will be all completed by 2025! My god I'll be 18. This is not the time to be existential! This is the time to write about a splinter.

(A Mark Owen fanfic)

Aims and Mark had just moved into a nee house together. They had always lived in little flats for years but recently they realised they wanted to get serious and start a family. Little flats with only one big open room aren't big enough for children they thought so they saved up (mainly from Mark's album sales) for a forever home. It had been 2 weeks since the couple had moved in and mostly everything had been sorted except for a few things Mark wanted to make himself. He wanted to make some drawers for the master bedroom and decided he would do it this morning.

Aims woke up to the soft sounds of their boyfriend playing his guitar. They roll over and open their eyes to see him sitting up on his side of the bed plucking away at the strings. "Well this is a nice thing to wake up to love" Aims said softly, looking up at Mark. "Thought I'd serenade you a bit in the morning, keep you sweet.". "Keep me sweet?" Aims questioned. Mark put his guitar down next to the bed and went down to cuddle Aims. "Yeah, I'll be making those draws today so I'll be busy for a long while." Mark informed them. "You bought a flat pack one?". "No, I'm making them from scratch!" he said excitedly. Looking a bit concerned, Aims responded: "Be careful then okay? I wouldn't want you getting hurt.". Mark laughed. "I'm sure I'll be fine!" he giggled. Kissing Aims's forehead before he got up to start the project.

After a while, Mark had chopped up all the wood pieces and was ready to put the screws in. First screw was good, lined up and screwed in with a power drill. Same for the second screw. As Mark was lining up the third screw though he fumbled and accidentally dropped the screw. His fingers scrapping the freshly sawed, jagged edge of the wood. At first everything was fine, he didn't feel a thing. That was until he rested his hand on the smoother surface of the wood. "SHIT OW!" Mark yelled as a sharp pain rippled down his finger. Raising his hand he saw a small but thick piece of the wood chippings, a single drop of blood running down from it. "Markie? Why did you shout- what in the world is that?" Aims rushed through their words. "A splinter I guess, god it stings!" Mark exclaimed. Mark's girlfriend sighed. "What happened to 'oh yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine' hm?" They mocked jokingly. "Very funny dear.". Aims laughed at their own joke for a while until going into what Mark calls 'mother mode'.

"Okay, right, come with me and we'll get it out okay?". Mark nodded and followed his girlfriend to the kitchen. Gesturing for Mark to sit down on one of the bar stool they have in there, Aims then quickly grabbed some kitchen roll then got something out of the freezer before returning to Mark's side. Grasping his finger, they turned to Mark and said, "Don't move okay, this first step is going to be very cold"."Cold?". Aims kissed his cheek and spoke again. "Just trust me okay, I don't want to hurt you.". He nodded before a chill hit his finger. Gasping and trying to move away from it. "Mark!" If you fight this it'll be alot more painful which no one wants!" Aims pleaded, trying to stop his jolts. Thinking fast, Aims kissed Mark through it. Stopping his movements to focus on the kiss. After 2 minutes his finger was completely numb. "See? Trust me now?" Aims said calmly. "Yeah.". Quickly tearing off a sheet of kitchen roll, Aims then focused the splinter. "This is probably going to feel uncomfortable okay?" Aims told him before slowly getting the wood chip out of his finger. Wiping the blood up with the kitchen roll there after. Then putting a plaster on it and kissing it 'better'. "Thanks love, you always know what to do.".

The two of them ended up cuddling up on the sofa and watching a movie for the rest of the day. "Aims, you know what?". "Hmm?". "You're gonna be a great mum soon. If you treat them as well as you treat me I have no doubt about it.". Aims smiled endearingly, that's the biggest compliment they could hear right now.

No word of a lie, I had to ask my best friend the most common way to get a splinter because I didn't know how to write this!

One-shot 50: 6th October 2023 (9:43 pm)

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