14. Photograph

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Bloody hell hi. It's been ages! I've been super busy with stuff that I'll tell you about in another chapter because I've realised something. I probably won't be able to finish this book in a year with the rate I'm writing so I'll just say at some point it'll be done anyway, enjoy!

(Dan and Phil One-shot)

Dan and Phil have known each other for over 10 years now. The classic story of friends to best friends to lovers. For most of their time together they lived in flats across Manchester and London. They absolutely loved being with each other, they did love each other after all. There was always one problem with the flats they lived in though. It wasn't their's. Sure, the 2 or them decorated it to feel more homely but they were restricted to what they could since they were renting. That was until 2017.

A year after The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire, the 2 men had time to reflect about their time together and more importantly where they were going next. "Phil how long have we been together now?" Dan questioned, even though he knew the answer. "Well since 2009 so...8 years" Phil replied, waiting to see where the curly haired boy was going with this. Dan moved to face Phil and continued, "And how long have we owned our own place?". Phil looked puzzled but answered nonetheless, "I think since November 2011". The younger man shook his head and sighed. "No we haven't, we've been renting since November 2011". "What a you saying Danny?" Phil laughed and rested his head on Dan's shoulder. "What I'm trying to say is that I want us to own our own place, build it from the ground up and make it however we want" Dan declared then placed his hand over his boyfriend's.

2021, it took a good few years and another world tour but finally Dan and Phil had their dream home that they built themselves. Tonight was their first night in their forever home. Phil was running through every room like an excited little kid. "Dan this place is amazing!" He exclaimed. The brown haired man laughed at his childish boyfriend but marvelled at how lucky he was to have him. When Phil ran past his boyfriend Dan quickly pulled him into a hug. The two laughed then Dan spoke. "They'll be plenty of time to run around tomorrow, we need to go to bed" he said, trying to be mature. "But I'm too excited to go to bed! Look at this!" Phil retorted. Dan sighed then suddenly smirked. Without warning Dan swiftly lifted Phil off his feet and took him upstairs to bed. "Dan! What are you doing? Put me down!" Phil whined until he was plonked onto their shared bed. They layed down together and laughed. Suddenly Phil sat up and went to go get something from his case. "Philly come back, cuddles!" Dan complained. He came back with his hands behind his back and smiled. "I've got us something for our bedroom!" Phil announced then passed Dan a wrapped up item. The younger man stared at it for a while inquisitively until his lover spoke again. "Don't just sit there, open it!". He did what he was told and was met with 2 heart shaped frames, one with a picture of them from 2009 and another was a picture from their 10 year anniversarry. Holding both together was an enscribed piece of wood saying "I'll love you forever". A massive smile filled Dan's face and a few tears filled his brown eyes. "Phil, I-I don't know what to say. This is absolutely fucking beautiful!" Dan managed to choke out through his cries. "Hey! Why are you crying?" Phil asked while putting his arms around the love of his life. The crying boy sniffled before speaking. "I'm just so happy that I can call you mine". Smiling, Phil spoke from his heart "Well you get to call me yours forever Daniel Howell, speaking of which one day we really need to change that. Daniel Lester would sound so much better". Silence fell between the 2, not an awkward silence though it was a living silence. "Soon Phil I promise, right now I just want to lie here with you". Their fingers interlocked and that marked the first night of the rest of their lives.

I gave a lot of build up to that but I still bloody lived writing that!

One-shot 14: 22nd July 2022 (5:59pm)

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