46. Grove

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5 minutes ago I literally had no idea what a grove was. I had to look at the fanfic which I got the prompts from, Google it and try researching it 😂

(A Tom Holland/Aidan Gallagher fanfic)

Beth and Aims needed a break. Both of them had been working non stop to pass their exams and get into the drama college they wanted to go to. In fact they felt like they needed to get into it. They both knew how hard it was to make it as actors but they also knew its where they wanted to be so passionately. After working so hard, passing everything they needed to and sending in their applications to their dream college, both had gotten letters back. A lot of emotions were bubbling in them: nerves, excitement, tiredness but I weird sense of proudness because that's what all the hard work they did together was heading to. Since they went through this journey together they wanted to get the news together as well. As kids they use to go to this little grove near where Aims lived and sit up in a tree where someone through a mattress in. Telling no one, not even their boyfriends to which they lived with, they went to that tree. Bringing their letters with them.

"This brings back so many memories!" Beth remarked after sitting on the tree mattress. "Yeah! Wow we haven't been up here in at least a year." Aims replied. Beth laughed slightly. "Hey, do you remember when you had your first kiss up here?". "Haha yeah! Dylan nearly fell out the tree after!" Aims laughed. "Didn't you and Tom come up here after your first date?". "We did. I remember that like it was yesterday, the moon was half full and there were loads of stars. We were talking and then he saw a shooting star and said 'that's ours, it shows we were destined from the start' and we kissed for the first time. He's was so cheesy, still is haha." Beth reminisced. They went into a comfortable silence, both thinking about the good times they've had. The silence was broke by Beth's phone going off. "Who's that?". "Tom, he wants to know where we've gone. Aidan's wondering as well." Beth answered. Aims thought for a moment. "Leave it, if they really need us surely they'll know where to find us." Aims reasoned. Shrugging, Beth put her phone back in her pocket and the two of them went back to talking about the times they've had together.

"So, should we open them?" Beth said nervously. "Well are you ready to?" Aims asked, equally nervous. Beth thought for a moment, she didn't even know herself if she was ready. The nerves and fears of rejection rising to a peak, same for Aims. "I think so, you?". "Um, yeah I think I'm ready too." Beth agreed. They looked to eachother and nodded, picking up their envelopes ready to receive the news. "One two-" the both of them started before being interrupted by familiar voices. "Beth? Aims?" one voice yelled. "Babe? Beth? Where are you two?" the other shouted in quick succession. Aims and Beth both knew who the voices were, after all they do love their voices. "I told you they'd find us." Aims remarked. They watched as their boyfriends walked around the Grove until seeing them in their tree. Tom and Aidan climbed up and sat next to their girlfriend's. "So this is where you were hiding." Aidan teased Aims, sitting behind them and wrapping his arms around their waist, kissing their cheek after finishing his sentence. "Yeah, I brought out my spidey senses for this!" Tom laughed, holding Beth's hand. "You're so cheesy love." Beth gushed, resting her head on his shoulder. "We were just about to open our letters." Aims informed the boys. "The letters?" Aidan asked. "Yes babe, the letters". "We're here to support you okay, no matter what." Tom spoke on behalf of himself and Aidan. "Thanks guys" Beth replied.

The two looked at eachother again and nodded, putting their attention back on to the envelopes. With a deep breath they counted in unison, "One, two, three." before opening their letters. Reading them for about a minute before passing them to their boyfriends. "We'll say on three if we got in, okay?" Beth announced. Aims nodded in return. "One, two three....yes!" they both said together. Silence fell once more before it was broken in the loudest way possible. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!". "You did it! I knew you would babe, come here!" Aidan congratulated his girlfriend before kissing them passionately. "I'm so proud of you!" Tom gleamed and hugged Beth tight. Everything paid off.


One-shot 46: 12th May 2023 (10:36 am)

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