Chapter 18

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Prince Gumball POV:

The next morning I don't even bother getting up on time. I lie on my side, clutching the pillow next to me. I still can't get my head around the fact that he is actually gone, that I'll never see him again. I stay in bed for another couple of hours until Peppermint maid walks in.

"Is everything alright, sir?" She say, peeking around the door. I sit up and smooth down my hair, my back facing her.

"Yes," I reply. "You can leave now." As soon as I can't hear her footsteps anymore I get up, pulling my pyjamas off as I walk across my room. I throw on my clothes and walk down to the kitchen. Maybe baking will distract me for a while. My apron is hanging on the door, and I slip it over my head. I take a bowl out of the draw and look for my wooden spoon. As soon as I pick it up I can't help remember the last time I used t. I was trying to teach Marshall how to bake cupcakes. I remember how he hovered right behind me, his breath on my neck, as he watched me explain. I also remember not baking any, well, edible cupcakes that day. I shake my head to get the memory out, and wipe away the tears forming in my eyes. Eventually I give up on baking. Everything I see reminds me of him, and then another and another memory pops up. I throw the spoon into the sink and walk out. I need to get away from here, just for a bit, at least. With my apron still on, I walk out of my palace, grabbing an umbrella on the way. I walk and walk, not aware of where I'm going, not really caring. The crack of lighting brings me back to earth, and I look around. I'm in the grasslands, near Fionna's house. I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to her. The only person I want to talk to is Marshall, but he's not here. I head in the general direction of the treehouse, and it's not long before I find it. My cheeks feel cold. I didn't even realise I was crying. I wipe my face with my sleeve and knock on the door. Somebody fumbles with the lock.

"Hey," I expected to see Fionna, but instead Flame Prince opens the door.

"Um, is Fionna home?" I ask.

"Er, no. She went out with Cake but I guess they got caught out in the storm." I just nod my head. An awkward silence follows.

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