Chapter 27

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Prince Gumball POV: 

I brace myself for the blow, curling into Marshall as much as I can. I feel his strong arms wrap around me. Just before his mum hits us, Marshall takes off into the sky, holding me. His mum lets out a scream and lashes out again, clipping Marshall's wing. We lose altitude and I cry out as he starts to lose his grip on me. "Marshall!" I yell. He holds me tighter, and i remember to breathe. But I can tell he's having trouble breathing. "Marshall, we should stop." He shakes his head. "I'm ok, we have to keep going. We have to get away from her."

"Marshall. You're hurt." He just shakes his head again. He can be so stubborn sometimes. I turn my head to see if his mum is following us, but there is no sign of her.

"Marshall, she's gone." I shout up to him. He turns his head to check, and then nods. We fly for a bit longer and my arms start to ache from where he's gripping them. Suddenly, he starts to descend into the forest. As soon as we touch the ground I stumble forward and try to catch my breath. I turn around and see Marshall lying on his back on the ground, gasping for air. He's not in his demon form anymore. I can clearly see where his mum hit him. I kneel down next to him and intertwine my fingers with his.

"You ok?" I whisper. He forces a smile.

"Never better." I help him sit up and only then do i look around. For a moment I think I recognize this part of the forest, but then i turn and see another section of trees that looks exactly the same.

"Marshall," I ask as I turn around. "Where are we?" He picks himself up and brushes of his jeans, wincing in the process. "My house should be around here." He says, but he doesn't sound too certain. "Somewhere." He adds. I raise my eyebrows at him and he laughs a little. "For future reference don't ever try to rescue me again." He says. I can't help but laugh too. I walk towards him and he limps towards me. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. "We'll sort this thing out. Your mum, I mean." I say. Marshall nods.

"I hope so."

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