Chapter 38

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Marshall's POV:

I'm completely shocked when he points to the picture. I'd completely forgotten about it. And suddenly the feeling of guilt overwhelms me. I now it's not that big a deal, but I still think it's wrong that I never told him about her. It never came up, but I feel as if I should have made it come up. Somehow I should have told him. Now it's just so awkward. I know basically everything about Gumball, yet he still doesn't know about her. I turn the page slowly, where another picture of me with her occupies the page.

"This..." I start, "This is Ashley." Gumball looks at me questioningly. 


"She was my girlfriend, about 5 years ago." 

"And how come you never told me about her? I told you everything..." Gumball almost sounds hurt. I bite my lip.

"I'm sorry, I know I should have told you. I guess I just forgot." Gumball nods. He's not angry at me or anything, so that's good. He leans his head against my shoulder and runs his fingers over the photos in the album which lies in my lap.

"You still look exactly the same, like this photo was taken yesterday." Then he adds quickly, "And by the same, I mean you still look hot." I let out a laugh. "You look somehow younger, too."

"I've looked like this for the past 500 years." Now it's his turn to laugh. 

There is silence, and then Gumball asks, "What happened?"


"What happened between you and A, a..."


"Yeah, Ashley. Why did you break up?"

I inhale deeply. No one has ever asked me to tell them that story. And I haven't told anyone either. Only Fionna knows. And that wasn't even supposed to happen. 

"So, you know how I lived pretty much by myself on the streets when I was little?" I start. 

"Yeah, you had that teddy." I reach into a box, pulling out Hambo. 

"Yes, well Ashley sold him to a wizard for some stupid thing." Gumball's eyes widen as he remembers something. 

"That's why you needed my help to get it back from the Sky Wizard." 

"Yeah," I mumble, blushing at the memory.

"So Hambo is really that special to you, huh?" I nod slowly. It's a bit embarrassing, really.

"Who would have thought, Marshall Lee the Vampire King's most prized possession is Hambo." I give Gumball a weak smile.

"Just Marshall Lee, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I softly take his left hand. 

"Also, soon, I'll have 2 prized possessions. Hambo, and you."

"Oh, so I'm a possession now?" I lean forward and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You'll be mine and I'll be yours, so yes."    

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