Chapter 41

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I'm not active on here anymore, so i thought i might as well post the rest of this story since i have it all written down anyway. 


Marshall's POV:
I slam the door behind me and step out into the cold air. She is standing right in front of me, yet I can't quite convince myself that she's real. She still has the same white hair, the same pale skin. She's even wearing the same black dress that she wore the day we...

"Hello Marshall." she says, a smirk on her face. 

"What are you doing here?" I say, my face hard and emotionless. 

"Oh Marshall dear, don't pretend you're not happy to see me."

I'm not happy to see her. I'd already erased her from my life, but now she's back. And with her come all the memories as well. All the memories I thought I had forgotten.

"Ashley...What the hell are you doing here?" 

She smiles at me, but it's not a nice smile. She still can't get over the fact that I don't belong to her anymore. I never really 'belonged' to her, but she always thought so. She always got overly jealous whenever I hung out with Fionna. I don't even know why I put with her for so long. But I haven't seen her for over 5 years, so it was a shock to see her standing on my doorstep.

She takes a step forward.

"Oh, I just came to pay you a visit. To see how my favourite boy is doing." She steps even closer and bats her eyelashes flirtily. 

"Ashley, I'm engaged." As soon as I say that, her smile turns into am angry grimace and her eyes burn with hatred. 

"Oh really?" she says menacingly. She now sees that she has lost every last bit of power over me. There is no hope of us ever being together. And I'm pretty damn happy about that. But for her it's a completely different story. 

"It would be a shame if anything should happen to your precious bride." Little does Ashley know that I, in fact, do not have a bride. But I'm not going to tell her that. 

"Ashley, leave." I say to her.

"As you wish." She replies, turning away from me and walking towards the exit. But after a few steps, she turns back around. 

"Have a nice wedding, if you make it there." And then she properly leaves. I know I should think nothing of her words, completely ignore them, but the worry me. Ashley is capable of... such things. And she's not completely sane, either. And that's a deadly combination. I walk back to Gumball, who is waiting patiently. 

"Who was it?" He asks. 

"Oh, just an old friend." Gumball stares at me closely before speaking again.

"Is something wrong?"

"No! No, why would anything be wrong?" I reply far too quickly. 

"Ok then." Gumball seems pleased with my answer.

"Now, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, roses."

Gumball's POV:
I open my eyes slowly. For a second im disoriented, but then I see Marshall laying next to me on the bed. We'd spent the night talking about flowers. Surprisingly, Marshall knows quite a bit on the subject. A few times we'd joked about which one of us would have to wear a dress to the wedding. But we'll both be wearing suits on the day. We've decided that we want to have the wedding at the end of January. For some reason we both love that season.
I lift my wrist and look at my watch. Its 9:12 am. I'm about to go back to sleep when the date catches my eye. 

Gumlee fanfic - Will they ever let us be happy?Where stories live. Discover now