Chapter 21

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Marshall Lee POV:

The trip to the nightosphere wasn't that hard. I just chanted the words, same as always. My mum was waiting for me. She was so happy that I came. But I couldn't stop thinking about Gumball. Even though I've only been gone for a day, I miss him so much. As soon as I came back to my old place my mum showed me my room. It's exactly how i remember it; black walls, paved floor, sparsely furnished. I'm floating around in it now. My mum is probably preparing things for me to become the official ruler of the nightosphere. I couldn't care less. I only accepted her offer because i thought that there was nothing left that the land of Aaa could give me. But I was wrong. It gave me back Prince Gumball. 

I float out of my door way and start to look for my mother. I find her further down, in a large room of some kind. "Hey mum." I say. She spins around and rushes towards me hugging me for probably the tenth time this day.

"Marshall honey!"

"Um, hi. I wanted to, er, talk to you about something." I say, extracting myself from her arms.

"Yes?" She says innocently. Only I know she's not innocent. She feeds on the souls of beings for goodness sake. I'm just glad she hasn't gotten to Aaa yet. "I was thinking, maybe I'm not old enough to rule yet?" I try to act casual. "Sweetie, you're over 1000 years old." I shrug. "I know, but shouldn't someone more experienced rule?"

"You're my son. You'll know how to do it." She replies, a bit more sternly this time.

"Yeah, but I've been in Aaa for more than half my life. I don't know much about this place." She smiles at me. "I know what this is about." She says slowly, still smiling.

"You, do?" I stutter. How could she know? How-

"Yes. You are letting your nerves get the better of you." I feel relieved, she didn't figure it out.

"Um, yeah, I guess..."

"Don't worry, I felt the same when I was about to become ruler. Just don't worry about it." She smiles again and turns back to whatever she's doing. I want to turn and leave too, but I hesitate. I take a deep breath and look up at the ceiling, letting my shoulders fall back. I didn't do what I came here to do. She'll understand. "Mum, I want to go back to Aaa." This gets her attention. She whips around and looks straight at me.

"You what?"

"I want. To go back. To Aaa." She stares at me so hard it's like she's trying to gouge out my eyeballs with her mind. "Now why would you say something stupid like that?" She hisses. This was not what I was expecting. But I continue anyway. "Because," I start. I think about Gumball, the way his hair always looks perfect even after he's slept on it. The way his eyes are always bright. Just thinking about him brings a smile to my lips.

"Because I did some stupid things back in Aaa, and I need to apologise." She looks at me like im crazy and takes a step forward. "The ceremony is tomorrow! Do you have ANY IDEA HOW HARD I WORKED FOR THIS!" She's full on shouting now, but I'm not intimidated. "Plus I left someone i love back there." She scoffs.

"You? Love? You're a VAMPIRE. Anyone you love will die before you, and you'll be forgotten, forever. Might as well forget them first." She snaps. Her words hurt me a bit, but I still continue to fight back.

"I don't care, I'm going back." I turn and start towards the door.

"If you leave this room you will lose your title as vampire king. And I tell you, you will never come back here, and you will never see me again."

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