Chapter 6

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Reader's POV

The strange phone call caught me by surprise, who was warning me? And who is this "he" they spoke of. In any case if I go by what the mystery person told me, I would be the eventual target. Therefore putting myself at risk would mean I would potentially find out who is behind all the disappearances and murders.

To sane person this would be the last thing to consider, but I worked hard for this job and I am not afraid of putting my life on the line for it. I collected my thoughts and resumed to drive home, I had texted my boss letting him know I had found some blood and sent him pictures.

What I left out was the part where I found the hidden carnival, I didn't think I had enough information to relay it. Plus I knew that if I told him he would send more people to investigate it, this was something I wanted to do on my own.

Soon enough I arrived at my home and I parked in my driveway. I went into the house and locked the door, I went upstairs to my bedroom and I started to write down my findings. There was no fear or doubt about going through with this plan.

However there was something that felt off about it, it was still odd how those kids appeared out of nowhere. Who could have been controlling the lights and who was speaking?

Could it have been a recording used to scare off people?; I wondered before giving out a small sigh. It was late and I had work in the morning, I cleaned up the bed putting the papers away. I yawned and turned off my light before laying down.

I stared at my ceiling for a little while before I started to feel tired, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into sleep.


"Where the hell am I..." Y/N walked around the carnival. "Wait...The carnival, did I sleep walk here?" she asked walking around some more.

"This way..." she heard a whisper leading her somewhere. She hesitated but followed the whispers. They led her to the big tent yet again and the spotlight was on her.

"Hello? I won't harm you, show yourself." she called out before the entire tent got lit up and once again she saw the children.

"Help us, help us!" they all screamed out in agony and some of them melted away. Y/N took a step back and she gasped feeling something behind her. Slowly turning around to see a tall blacked out blurry figure.

It loomed over her not saying anything or moving, she tried making out any features but it was not possible. It was too blurry and before she reacted black smoke engulfed her and her screams were drowned out by the screams from the children. "Don't go, help us! Find us too!"

Y/N gasped and opened her eyes, looking around her bedroom. Startled at whatever that was she turned on the little lamp on her bedside table and straightened up. Her widow slowly opens up and a slight breeze caused the curtains sway.

"I never left the window open..." she said as she got up and shut the window. When she turned around she saw a child standing on her bed.

"He will find you, he will get you too....RUN"

-Dream over-

"AHHHHH!" I screamed out sitting up on my bed and looking around. I breathed heavily and placed a hand on my chest.

What the hell was that..?; I thought to myself while I gave out a sigh. I looked at my phone checking the time it and it was 3:40am, I huffed and got up from my bed. I went to the bathroom and started to get ready for work.

Might as well stay up, my alarm was gonna sound at 4am anyway. I got dressed and then went downstairs, I went into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

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