Chapter 37

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"Y/N!" a voice echoed throughout the kitchen, the voice carried through the rest of the mansion given how loud it was. A blue haired man checked the limp female's pulse.
"Oh thank god..." he whispered to himself as he then lifts her into his arms and carries her upstairs to her room.
He placed her on her bed gently and he covered her with a blanket.

"How much of that stuff did you put in her food?" The jester asked as he then looked over at the door way, sensing someone was there.

"I put a good amount to ensure the result that you asked of me. This is a normal reaction to it as we are altering her completely." An unknown redhaired man spoke as he tilted his head briefly, he seemed rather pleased by this outcome.
He did warn them that this wouldn't be the right way to go about things, but CandyPop refused to listen to reason.

"How do we make sure that it works?" The blue haired jester asked as he then crossed his arms and turned completely towards him. The man huffed and he shook his head briefly, he then spoke yet again.
"Lock her up, don't let anyone in. The boss has to be the first one to speak to her or see her, for it to work."

CandyPop nodded and he then ushered him to step out, to which he did. He then locked the door.
"Not a word to the boss about this, he can't know that we did this. No one can." he stated as he huffed and he kind of shot a glare at the red haired man.

"I won't say anything, because I won't be around to find." He said as he then rolled his eyes and he proceeded to leave.

CandyPop took a deep breath and he sighed slowly, he knew he did something unspeakable. He mettled in his boss' affairs. He then gathered himself and he walked downstairs to find his boss. Which he was in a meeting with his brother.
He knocked on the door and he awaited a response, to which he got one.
"What is it?" the boss spoke with a commanding tone of voice.

"I need to speak to you real quick, sir." CandyPop said as he placed his ear to the door briefly.
The door flung open causing him to fling forward and land on his face. He winced in pain and huffed briefly, he stood up and he rubbed his face for a moment.

"This better be good, as you can see I am very busy." Offenderman stated as he seemed visibly angry with the jester. 

CandyPop took a deep breath as he then sighed softly, she then looked over at the taller man.
"It's Y/N she collapsed in the kitchen, she is okay though. She is breathing, her pulse is strong. I took her to her bedroom, I locked the door to prevent anyone from disturbing her." he said as he then handed the key over to the taller man.

"What, she just collapsed? No explanation other than that?" Slender spoke up as Offenderman seemed in shock from the information. The jester hummed and he nodded immediately.
"She was washing dishes when I walked in and as if in a split second she just collapsed." 
He said as he huffed.

"I-...I have to go see her, we can continue our conversation later on Slendy. I have to go tend to her."  Offenderman said as he did not look back at his brother, before he left the room.
He quickly made his way upstairs and he unlocked the female's door.
He walked in and closed the door behind him, noticing that it seemed as if she was just sleeping. He approached her and sat beside her on the edge of the bed.

"What happened to you, my love?" he whispered as he gently moved some of her hair away from her face and revealed a bruise on her forehead. To which he deduced it was from when she had fallen.
He stayed by her side for hours and after six to seven hours, she shifted a little while making a small wincing noise.

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