Chapter 21

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Reader's POV

I began to hear my alarm go off per usual, it was 5 am. I was pretty exhausted but I needed to work. I didn't have the right headspace for it though, the night before I had confessed to LJ.
"What was I thinking...he probably thinks I am a joke." 

I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face, after some time I went down to the kitchen.

I decided to make myself some oatmeal and coffee, while waiting; the words replayed in my mind. Over and over again, making me feel worse each time, I didn't even want to know what was LJ's response...Although in the back of my mind I couldn't help but hope he felt the same.

"Oh god what if he asks me to kill for him? I couldn't do that...could I?" I asked myself while placed my hand upon the side of my face, I sighed softly before shaking my head. I couldn't believe what I was thinking, I am in law enforcement. 
How could I fathom the idea of killing someone?!

Once the meal was done I served it and carried the bowl and cup of coffee to the table. I sat but before I could start eating I heard a noise coming from upstairs, which startled me. I got up slowly and made my way towards my work bag, I pulled out my gun.

"If-...If this another attempt to scare me?! It's not going to work!" I yelled out in hopes of hearing his voice, however I got no response which proved to be rather unsettling.
 There was rustling and clanking coming from upstairs, but I didn't hear a voice...I slowly made my way to the stairs and held my gun close.

A loud thump caused me to jolt, it sounded as if something heavy hit the floor.

As soon as I took my first step up, there was a loud creek of the floor boards. "Dammit..." I whispered as I proceeded to walk up the stairs slowly and cautiously. 
Once I made it up the stairs and I took a moment to look around, there was no one in sight at this time. 

"I am giving you a chance to come out! Or I will shoot." I called out, but once again there was no response.
I proceeded forward and checked the bathroom first, there was no one there. The office was empty as well as the guest room. This meant the intruder could be inside my room...

What creep decided to break into my room? What could they want? I didn't have anything valuable with me, I didn't have much that I thought would interest someone enough to steal it. I walked closer to the bedroom and took a deep breath before I looked inside while pointing my gun forward.
There was no one...My room was trashed but there wasn't anyone within eyesight. 

Walking inside cautiously still holding my gun forward, I scanned the area and realized the music box was on the floor. 
"Did someone try to take you?" I asked myself while I put down my gun and picked up the box. I took a look at it and it had scratches as well as it had some corners nicked.

I placed it back at my nightstand and picked up some things that were scattered along the floor, suddenly I heard a cocky chuckle. But it wasn't LJ...It didn't sound like it at least. 
I quickly looked around but once again I saw no one.

'What is going on...?' I thought to myself while I looked around for anything else that would be out of place.
My window was open, I could have sworn I had seen it closed when I woke up.

I walked over to it and looked outside,  it was rather dark out still. Being 5 am and all.
However I could see a figure standing beneath a street lamp.

I rubbed my eyes, wanting to make sure that I was actually seeing this. But as I removed my hands from my face it was gone.
I must be more exhausted than I thought.

I closed my window and as I turned around I saw a paper pinned to the wall... I walked over to it and it was a sharp candy cane.
"What the hell?" I asked.

I removed the candy cane and grabbed the paper before it fell. It seemed to be another letter.
I sat on my bed and I began to unfold it.

I looked at who signed it and once again it said 'CP'
Why can't this CandyPop person...or thing leave me alone?!

They even had the audacity to enter my home?!
This person is insane.
I began to read the letter.

Dear Y/N

I caught wind that the clown decided to "come clean" about his lost love. But do not worry I will continue to uncover his lies for you.
I meant it when I said that I would protect you from him no matter what I had to do.

I apologize for the intrusion as well, I just needed to see that you were safe.
He went to talk with someone whom I hope will keep him away from you.

I bet you are wondering who I am, but there is no need to worry my dear. You will know in due time.
Until then I recommend that you tell your boss about LJ.
He can help protect you as well.

We will meet soon, my dear.


I slowly moved my hands down, I felt the note slip out of my hand...Who the hell is this psycho?! I shook my head briefly and took a deep breath, I don't know what this person's drive is to sabotage LJ but I will not believe someone that I don't even know.

In a better perspective LJ and I have had more face to face interactions, than I have with this so called CP.
I picked up the note and placed into my bag, I was determined to speak with Rowan about this stalker.

I huffed and went back downstairs with my bag, I placed it on my coffee table and I turned on the TV. The news was on and I noticed the date.
"Ugggghhhhh It's my day off!" I snarled annoyed as I realized that I just woke up too early for nothing. I placed my hands against my face, while taking a moment to process.

"Y/N, is everything okay?" 

-To be continued-

Who the heck is CP? 

Why is he so invested in sabotaging Laughing Jack?

Find out next chapter

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, as much as I am enjoying to write it


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