Chapter 10

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"I will find you..."
She said to herself as she clutched the steering wheel.

Soon enough she made it to the park, she turned off her car and grabbed her flashlight and phone before exiting the car.

She looked up seeing as it was rather cloudy, but some moved away revealing the full moon.
She took a deep breath and she began to walk towards the forest.

Something seemed different about this time, with every step she took she felt her nerves rising.
She also couldn't help but feel like something or someone was watching her.

Mustering her courage she walked into the forest and she looked around, not seeing anything but the feeling continued.
She soon made it to the clearing, where the carnival was.

But everything had splatters of blood, the once peppy carnival music turned distorted and ominous.
"What the fuck happened here...?" She said to herself as she approached one of the tents and she swipes her finger against the blood.

"Oh god, it's fresh." She stated as she wiped her finger and she shivered a little.

A deep cackle echoed throughout the space and she looked around quickly, not seeing anyone close by. She cleared her throat briefly as she continued to walk forward, she approached the big tent curious to see what she could find.

Everything was dark, she turned on her flashlight and there was a trail of blood. She furrowed her eyebrows briefly before she began to follow it, cautiously looking around but nothing jumped out at her.
It was too quiet which just made her nerves grow, with every step she'd tense up. Her mind playing with her in the dark.

The same chuckle was heard but this time closer.
"Who's there?!" she yelled out as she looked around frantically. Not seeing anyone she sighed and continued on.

When suddenly a spotlight came on, it shine over her the same as the first time. She looked around and instantly all the lights came on, children screaming and cheering as they looked at her.

She ran out of the tent and huffed, everything was repeating so far except for the voice. She walked into the room with the cages and nothing had changed, there were still skeletons, body parts and blood.

Although when she looked down she saw a trail of blood leading to the exit.

Something is leading me somewhere...?; she thought to herself as she followed the trail without giving it another thought.
It led her outside and through a path, passing the attractions and a few other tents and it led her straight to the carousel.

Y/N raised an eyebrow and she looked at the rather big carousel in front of her, nothing seemed out of  the ordinary. Well except for the horses being back and white, not to mention some had blood and they had cracks.

When she went to take a step forward she felt like she had kicked something, she looked down noticing a small box.
She raised an eyebrow and she leans down grabbing the box, she straightened up before looking around making sure she was alone.

Not seeing anyone she took a few steps into the carousel and she sat on one of the horses. She inspected the box a little better noticing a small crank on the side of it.
She felt something scratchy at the bottom of it and she turns the small box to take a look.

"Laughing Jack in a box. Where have I heard that before...?"
She thought to herself as she turned the box around, she slowly began to turn the crank and the nursery rhyme of pop goes the weasel began to play.

As it reached it's climax the top of the box flung open, but nothing popped out. She looked inside the box and raised an eyebrow.
"Broken huh? Maybe it belonged to one of the missing children." she said to herself as she closed the top and placed it in her bag.

She took out a small notepad as well as a pen, she began documenting her findings. When suddenly there was a scream, she gasped seeing as someone was running towards her. She got off of the horse and off of the platform looking in the direction where the person was.

She reached to the side of her belt looking for her gun. "Fuck!" she said remembering she never took it from the office. She grew nervous as they ran closer towards her.

"Help me!" It was a police officer running towards me but before he got to close something slashed him in half. The blood splattered everywhere, I covered my face with my arms. But I didn't feel a single drop get on me.

Slowly uncovering my face to see a black and white spiraled umbrella, it slowly lifted up revealing someone's face. My eyes widened seeing as the figure stood up tall towering over me.

 My eyes widened seeing as the figure stood up tall towering over me

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"Excuse the blood. I am redecorating." His silver eyes met with her E/C eyes, he was what appeared to be 8ft tall. Messy black hair, his skin as white as snow, his entire was one of a monochrome clown.

The tall male spoke with a deep raspy tone as he closed the umbrella and shook it a bit to splatter the blood off.
Y/N stood in the same place as if she was frozen, she never took her eyes off of the man before her.

"Helloooo... one of my pesky pets got your tongue?" he asked as he kneeled down being now face to face with the shorter female.
She shook her head and gulped briefly before she snapped out of it.

"Wh-who...what are you?" she fumbled with her words as she took a step back tripping over the platform of the carousel, landing on her butt.
"Ow!" she winced as she huffed a little.

The man before her tilted his head and he cleared his throat briefly.
"Who am I? Why my dear, you should know who I am."
He spoke with a sense of whimsy.

She slid back a little and stood up behind one of the horses.
"I do not know who you are..."
She stated, although something about him made her think she might know.

He stood up straight and he fixed the ruffles around his neck. He looked at the younger female with intrigue.

"I am...the one, the only Laughing Jack~"

-To be continued-

Who could have owned the Jack-in-a-box?
Why does this mystery man seem familiar to you and could he be the killer?
Find out next chapter

I'm sorry for the late publish, there was a hurricane that passed recently and there in no power.
I want to give a shout out to a user called "Hogdecks" sorry if I butchered it.
Thanks to your support my drive to create has risen.
Thank you so much!

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far as much as I am enjoying to write it.
See you next chapter


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