Chapter 15

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Three months later
Jack's POV

After finding out that I am binded with that mere mortal, I couldn't stay settled.
Everything within me was angry, confused and annoyed.

I wanted nothing to do with her, although I felt like I couldn't stay away.
I blame that stupid box.

I would never want to be around a human unless I plan on killing them.
But I couldn't kill her, so what was the point?

I went about my business as usual, kidnapping and killing. As well as causing chaos in the city.
I love my job.

However I found myself in a game of cat and mouse with that woman.
She chased after me no matter where I went. She was always there,  as if she knew my every move.

Yet she could never catch me, I was too quick for her.
That didn't stop her though,  if anything I felt like she tried harder to catch me.

Not going to lie, it was fun and entertaining.
I had never had someone so persistent in catching me.

She's okay I guess...No! Shut up brain; I thought to myself while rubbing my face.

I was on my way to capture another kid before I began to hear something.
I heard a familiar voice speaking about me.
But I looked around and there was no one around me.

"Who...?" I asked for a moment while I rubbed the back of my head.
Confused and honestly a little concerned, could I be going crazy?

"You want to play, let's play"  that same voice said and I finally realized who it was.
The woman who has my music box.

I smirked and teleported to the box, and once the smoke cleared I grinned and replied.
"That's all I wanted to hear."

"W-..How are you here? How did you hear me?"
She asked in obvious distress.

"I don't know, but you said something about playing? What game did you have in mind?"
I asked intrigued.

"Cops and are going to end up behind bars."
She stated as she stood up from her chair and huffed.

"Don't get cocky with me, I could still kill you." I stated in annoyance.
Her demeanor was not of a scared person.
That's not exactly what I want.

The smaller female raised an eyebrow and she seemed to be concerned for a moment.
"If you want to you can take your stupid music box, I left it at my house." She stated while being annoyed.

"You can't fool me, you have the box with you. I teleported to it." I stated annoyed, I can't believe a human is trying to fool me. Me! Who in their right mind would try to fool a serial killer, I guess she would.

"What are you talking about? I left it at my house, on my dresser." she stated as she sat back down and she began to clean up.

"It's in your bag again." I said bluntly before I opened the bag showing her the music box.

Her eyes widened as she noticed that I was not lying, she grabbed the music box and looks at it with a confused expression. 
"I don't understand... I swear I left it in my house." she stated as she looked at the box in awe.

"Why do you keep running around? You and I are playing a game at this point." she said as she placed the box back into her bag and she gulped slightly.
She stood up and gathered her things, ready to leave for tonight. 

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