Chapter 14

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Laughing Jack's POV

(Here is a bonus chapter, for being MIA)

I could not believe that I could not bring myself to harm her, as if something deep within was preventing it.
I did not know her, I did not care for her. Therefore why did I hold back?

Questions invaded my mind as I had left her house, I decided to try to find out why. I traveled to the woods where my circus is located but I went deeper within, it was semi dark aside from the moonlights glimmer.

The wind picked up, leaves swayed; over all for a human this situation would be eerie. For me it is calming.
I made my way through the forest and soon made it to an old mansion deep within the woods, it would have been faster to teleport but I was unable at the moment.

I walked up to the big double doors and I pushed them open, the creek of the doors echoed throughout the building. "Hm busy day." I said to myself not seeing anyone around. I hoped that the one I had come to see was still in, I quickly made my way upstairs and walked down an extensive corridor.

Soon enough making it to a different set of double doors, I knocked three times and waited for a response.
I placed my ear to the doors, hearing scribbling and the shifting of papers. I knocked yet again a little louder this time and I heard a grunt.

"Come in, come in." A stern voice spoke up, I opened the doors slowly and stepped inside.
"What do you want? I am busy."

I closed the doors behind me and I walked over towards the desk, I sat in front of him and I sighed.
"I need information on my music box, Slendy." I spoke bluntly.

He huffed and straightened up, the faceless man before me seemed to be angry. 
"How many times do I have to tell you guys, do not call me that. Sir, is more appropriate seeing as though I am your boss." the man stated as he huffed.

"We can discuss those details later, anyway where did you say my box came from?" I asked confused.
I had spent years trapped in that box, my last friend was a 7 year old boy called Isaac. After us growing apart I could not get out anymore. It wasn't until three years ago that Slenderman found my box and set me free.

The faceless male stopped what he was doing, he placed his papers to the side and placed his pen down. He intertwined his fingers and sat back, getting comfortable.
"Why the sudden interest?" he asked curiously.

I took a second while looking down at my hands, I knew I had done something very bad. The fact that I had lost that box to begin with, made me look bad. Especially now having to tell my boss that a human...had my way gateway to this house.

"Um- see it's just curiosity?" I stated as I looked up for a moment, he seemed to have not believed what I had said. But he didn't question it.

"Alright I guess, well I found it behind someone's house. In the unkept yard, it seemed as though the house was abandoned for some time." he stated as he shrugged briefly.
"It was inside of a bigger wooden box, it had something written on it but it was so dirty that I couldn't read it." he said firmly.

I tilted my head briefly and scratched the top of my head briefly, before I spoke yet again.
"What do you mean you couldn't read it? Where is the box?" I asked as I looked around, scanning the room for any sight of a box.

"It's not in here, it's in your own room. You don't pay attention to your surroundings much, do you?" he asked as he shook his head in clear disappointment. 

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