Chapter 13

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Reader's POV

"Do not worry, my little mouse. You will assist me from now on."
He said in a firm tone, he had never had an assistant before so it would be fun. He gave out a grin before raising my arms and attacked her...His arms froze before he could even touch her.
"What is this?"

The smaller female had flinched, she knew it was her last day on earth. However when she heard the last thing the male had said, she opened her eyes slowly and widened her eyes.
Laughing Jack tried attacking her yet again, but he felt as if he was being held back.

"You witch!" He stated as he growled angrily and took a few steps back. 

"I will be back for my music box, so help me if I find a single thing wrong with it. I'll kill you." he stated angrily as suddenly a cloud of black smoke covered him, she coughed and once the smoke cleared he was gone.

Y/N took a deep breath and placed her hand on her chest, her heart thumping roughly after thinking that she was about to die. 
I don't care what happened...I am alive and that's all that matters; she thought.

Looking down at the music box she sat back down on the sofa, her tea was already cold. She examined the box trying to find answers on what might have protected her, however nothing was catching her attention.
Could it be that as long as I keep this close, he might not be able to harm me?; she thought as if it was the only thing that made sense at the moment.

She sighed and looked at the time, it was already 12:00 am. She took her tea to the kitchen dumping it out before going upstairs and getting ready for bed.

-Time Skip-

Three months have passed and there was not a peep from Y/N about who the killer was, thinking about things better she realized that she would sound crazy.
How was she  supposed to explain to her boss that the killer they desperately are trying to catch is what was supposed to be a character from a story.

However the chase wasn't done for her. Y/N and Laughing jack having a cat and mouse game transpiring, with him playing games and her following his every move.
Each encounter getting more and more confusing, as well as complex.

Since their first encounter there had been a total of five disappearances, all children under the age of 12. 
All found some time later with their stomachs open, intestines missing yet filled to the brim with all sorts of sweets. While investigating a new disappearance, she interviews the child's mother. 

"Please find my child." The desperate mother cries out, while holding onto Y/N's arm. Her partner looking a little concerned as if thinking the woman may harm his partner. 

"It's okay, we will do our best to find your bundle of joy. As soon as we get any leads, I will be sure to contact you myself." 
She said with confidence as well as pity, she could not imagen the pain of having your child disappear without a trace.

"Th-thank you agent L/ are a life saver." the mother praised while giving the agent a tight hug, she hugged her back and stepped away.

"If anything changes let us know." 
The agent stated before her and her partner got into the company car, she proceeded to drive to the work place while listening to the radio.

The drive was mostly peaceful on the outside, but on the inside of her mind was eventful. Thousands of thoughts running through her mind, she needed to confront this man that was terrorizing the children; causing distress upon the city.

At this point the people have noticed that the police caught the wrong person and they have not come forward to speak about it. Leaving the public in fear and confusion, not being able to trust their own police department.

I still have the music box, he can't get away; she thought to herself as she huffed and turned into the company parking lot. Something about that box made her think that she would be able to control the situation if they come face to face yet again.
She felt as though she was going to be safe.

Parking the car her and her partner got out of the car, she looked over at him and noticed he was talking.
"I'm sorry what?" she asked since she had not heard anything.

"Were you really not listening to me all this time?" he asked as he had raised his eyebrow briefly.

Y/N rubbed the back of her head and gave out a nervous chuckle. "I didn't mean to tune you out, I have a lot on my mind." she said sighing softly.

Her partner huffed and shook his head briefly, they began to walk towards the building. 
"I know and I do too, I am more angered at the police force. How could they lie about catching the culprit?" 
He stated as they entered the building together.

Walking through the lobby and greeting the secretary, they went into the elevator.
"That's what I wanted to talk about, I knew they lied. They found this person too quick." she stated as she pushed the floor number she needed and the doors closed.

"Exactly, how are they gonna be struggling to find anything or even have any effort in doing so. How do they just find that guy out of the blue." he stated as the elevator moved up.
Y/N nodded and she sighed, she rubbed the back of her neck and she began to think of what to do next.

"I have no idea..." she stated as she shrugged briefly. The elevator doors opened and they both separated, going to their respective areas. Y/N going into her boss' office.

"Good afternoon Y/N." Her boss said as he gave her a smile, she smiled back closing the door behind her and she sat at her desk.

"Good afternoon, Rowan." she replied as she turned on her computer and she took out her notebook, to review her notes and also talk it over with her boss.

She began to discuss the statements that she had gathered from the child's mother, as well as adding key points and opinions on what they think about the situation.
Spending the rest of the day trying to find any sign that the child is okay, however it was not possible.

Looking at the time Rowan gathered his things and he looked over at Y/N. 
"When you are done, lock up the office. Don't stay too late though, good night." he said as he smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Will do, good night sir." she said softly as she watched him walk out of the office. She continued her work while enjoying the silence within the office, she kept searching as much as she could trying to find the poor child.

Y/N took a moment and she reached into her bag and pulled out the music box, she looked at it for a bit. Feeling angry and confused, she took a deep breath before she spoke.
"You want to play, let's play."

With that a puff of smoke appeared in the middle of the office and she coughed violently, fanning her hand in front of her face.
When the smoke cleared a familiar pair of eyes met with hers.

"That's all I needed to hear." 

-To be continued-

What is it about the music box that protected you from dying?
Would you ever catch him and turn him in?
Find out next chapter

I hope you are all enjoying this story so far,  as much as I am enjoying to write it.


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