Chapter 36

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Laughing Jack's POV

While waiting for Jill, Jeff and I walked over to the main tent and we sat on the bleachers.  The psycho was playing with his knife, twirling it within his fingers and he never once cut himself.
"How are you feeling?" Jeff asked as he turned towards me.

"About what? About my girlfriend being kidnapped by a sex crazed perverted stalker? Or about the fact that our boss is working with the enemy?"
I asked in obvious sarcasm as he then placed his knife down and crossed his arms. 

"I understand that there is a lot going through your head right now, but there was no need for rudeness. I was just asking; wanting to know what's on your mind." 
Jeff said as he then looked to the side, seemingly worried for me. But I hate talking about my feelings...especially with him. I want him to see me as a strong individual, as a person he can trust and count on.
Not a weak emotional fool.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, I am just wondering if Y/N is okay or not. Where the hell is Jill? It feels like she has been gone forever..." 
I said as I scratched the back of my neck and I sighed softly. He nodded and he rubbed his arm, he seemed to also wonder the same. It has been some time since Jill agreed to deliver the letter into enemy territory.

"I am sure that Jill is okay as well as Y/N, I think she is taking  her time not wanting to get caught. She has to proceed with caution."  Jeff said as he then placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked over at him and nodded, that had to be the case.
She promised me that she would deliver the letter without a hitch, I should have more trust in her abilities.

"I am back! Where are you guys?" We heard a familiar voice call out to his from outside of the tent. Finally she has returned.
"We are in here!" Jeff replied.
Soon enough Jill entered the tent and she joined us on the bleachers sitting beside us.

"How is she? Is she okay?" I asked in desperation as I grabbed her by her arms and kind of shook her.
Jeff placed his hands on my shoulders and he pulled me back causing me to let go of her.
"Woah there, Jacky boy. Give her some space." He said as he sat back down.

"I am sorry." I replied before I took a deep breath and I calmed myself down.
I just have so many question brewing within right now and I don't know how to react.

"Y/N is okay, she has her own room. Which was a surprise to me...Given his reputation and his compulsive behavior." Jill said as she then huffed and she seemed to have relaxed a bit better.
"She said that she will trust you and will do whatever it is that she has to do to help us."
She stated confidently.

I felt some of my worries subside as I heard what she had said, I knew my little mouse would trust me. Even with such a big request I am sure she can and will do her part.
"Okay well we need to figure out a plan of action, how to get her out as discretely as possible." 
I mentioned as I looked at both of them.

"I might have a way." 
She said as she placed her hand on her chin for a moment as to think. Jeff put his knife away and fixed up his hoodie and he sat in the direction to be able to look at us better.
"So here is what I know, there is a path that is barely traveled and not many know about. This path is even out of the Rake's radius. We can take that path to avoid detection." she said as she hummed.

"That sounds like a great advantage. I assume that you are familiar with the layout of this place, right?"
I asked as Jeff looked over at me as if I stole his question, to which I gave him a little chuckle.
"Of course! I know the patrol routes as well." she stated firmly.

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