Chapter 30

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Reader's POV 

By the second month without Laughing Jack I have been less suspicious of Jeff's intentions. As well as I started to think that he really didn't have any ulterior motives.

This made me listen to his worries and suspicions against Jacob, especially since he was showing weird behavior towards me.
Something about him made me feel uneasy.

On this particular day everyone had their assignments as well as Jacob having his own personal project. Assigned by me, which I now second guess my decisions.
I was in my office finishing some paperwork on a warrant to search someone's place for evidence on a possible homicide case.

When Jacob walked into my office without knocking or announcing his arrival, thankfully I wasn't too distracted.
"I am sorry to interrupt my lady, but I have found something that will prove to be of great use to you." he said as he then closed the door to my office.

I felt myself tense up instantly but I stopped myself from making it obvious, he took a seat in front of my desk. He placed the same file that I had given him onto my desk and slid it towards me.
I raised my eyebrow and grabbed the file.

"What did you find out?" I asked and tilted my head briefly and stared at him in confusion, why not tell me himself if he was so eager.
He shrugged for a moment and pointed at the folder, what is this guy planning...?

I had no other choice but to open the folder and what I saw was jaw dropping. He did it, he actually found something on the police chief. 
"Oh my god...I was right! Oops...I mean, I was right. You are amazing for this Jacob." I praised and I immediately faxed the report to the FBI.

"I tried my best, I am happy that this was what you needed." He said as he smiled at my praise, I know it was probably not doing any good but I couldn't voice it any other way.
He did do what I had asked him to and even more than that.
"Jacob how did you-" before I could ask him a question the phone rang and I answered.

~Phone call~

???: "Hello am I speaking to miss L/N?"

"Yes this is she, who am I speaking with?"

???: "This is agent Smith, this phone call is pertaining to the report you faxed to us a couple of minutes ago."
"Woah...That was fast. How can I be of assistance?"

Agent Smith: "I just wanted to ask if this was true. This our serious allegations against the Stoneburrow police chief."

"I know that it is, but one of my agents found this information after I instructed him to investigate. The police department was hiding something and now I see why."

Agent Smith: "You have quite the detective on your hands...He was able to find what we couldn't. We were also trying to investigate them as well. I commend you and your agent. Nevertheless this must be put out there for public knowledge...They have to know the truth."

"How do you propose we do that without causing mass panic?"

Agent Smith: "Oh well you are right on that point. No matter I will figure something out and I will be sure to let you know what the final decision is. It was a pleasure speaking with you and I look forward to working along side you."
"Likewise...Agent Smith, I will look forward to your call back."

~Phone call finishes~

"Well Jacob, the FBI picked up on this investigation of yours sooner than what I had thought." I said as I closed up the file and hummed pleased by the outcome, but something told me that something was off about it.
That entire interaction seemed off all together, since they picked up the case so quick. Knowing personally that the FBI is quite busy.

"What can I say...I did as you asked." He said as he smirked briefly and gave me a chilling gaze. Who is this guy? There has to be something that I am missing. I have to investigate this man before we move any further.
"Well anyway...You should get back to work Jacob, I have paperwork to sort out."

I said as I brought my focus back to the papers on my desk, he nodded and he got up and left my office. As soon as he was gone I went on the company database and checked his information. Quickly noticing that I couldn't find anything on him.
No prior history, no information and it was as if he never existed until now...

Who the hell is this guy and what does he want with me? Maybe he isn't after me, maybe he is after Rowan himself?
A million thoughts flooded my brain at once, I had to talk with Jeff...but if I tried now I would be putting myself at risk to be followed or suspected.

 'Ugh what the hell have I gotten myself into?!' I thought to myself as I placed my hands on my face briefly before taking a deep breath. I then got back to work and decided to not focus on this right now, I didn't need him thinking that I suspected him.

After some time past it was already 11 PM and I decided to call it a day, something that I wasn't used to but I needed to talk with Jeff and see what he had found on him. I gathered my things and turned to leave my office but I found Jacob in my doorway.
"Oh?! Jacob...what are you still doing here? I thought you had left already." I had said as I gave off a nervous chuckle.

"Why would I leave? You are still here...There is something important we have to talk about." He said as he smirked in a twisted way.
He honestly gave me the creeps. I huffed and shook my head briefly.

"I apologize but I have to go home, my boyfriend might worry." I said as I walked past him but he grasped my arm stopping me from leaving.
"Now I know that's a lie, that boy toy of yours is not around." His voice got distorted for a moment before his face looked weird...It resembled a mask.

"What makes you say that? You don't know who I am with..." I said as I yanked my arm away from him.
He seemed intrigued by my answer and he slightly changed in stature, he began to grow larger than what he was...he was even taller than LJ.

"That pathetic excuse for a clown is gone, get that through your squishy mortal skull." He said as his hand appeared to be larger than my own head. And he tapped my forehead with one of his fingers.
"Slenderman, Laughing Jack not even Jeffery can keep me away from you now." He said as his face lost his features slowly turning into a faceless being.

"What the fuck are you?! Who are you?!" I yelled out as I took a few steps back. He looked like Slender but it couldn't be, it didn't sound the same. 

"I knew it was you! Get away from her you psychopath!" I heard a familiar voice say as I looked behind me. It was Jeff, thank goodness...I looked at him with confusion and worry as I didn't know what to do.
Before I knew it I was scooped up into this creatures arms.

"JEFF!!!!" I screamed in pure fear not knowing what was to become of me.
Jeff widened his eyes and lunged towards us. "DON'T DO THIS!" this was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

-To be continued-

What did Jacob turn into? Where did he take you?

What will Jeff do now?

Find out next chapter

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, as much as I am enjoying to write it.



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