Chapter 9

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Reader's POV

After twenty minutes I had arrived at the police station, I got out of the car and grabbed my bag and made my way into the building.

Straight into the doors I saw the officer that had gone into the office, we made eye contact briefly and I just walked past him.

Completely ignoring his existence, I made my way to the chiefs office.
I knocked on the door three times before entering.

"Whatever it is write it on a paper and leave it with my secretary."
The chief stated as he continued to play a game on his computer.

I cleared my throat angrily and slammed the door after walking in further.
He looked up at me and he seemed very angry.

"Young lady, you better get out of here immediately. I don't have time for childish games."
The chief stated as he crossed his arms and huffed.

"Excuse me? Chief Gordon, are you aware that every so often your department is subject to evaluation."
I stated as she showed him my badge. Being faraway it made if seem like I was from the higher ups.

Gordon seemed to have gotten nervous, as he got up and rushed to close his door.
"Of course, of course. Take a seat please." he said as he pointed at the seat that was in front of his desk.

I nodded and I sat down, crossing my legs immediately afterwards. He sat at his desk cleaning a bit of sweat that trickled down his forehead briefly.
"How may I help you today, miss?"

I reached into my bag and I pulled out the document that Rowan had showed that one officer.
"I need you to explain to me why is there no missing children reports?" I spoke as I held the report in my hand and I raised an eyebrow.

I made sure to start recording on my phone but I placed it on my lap, not making it obvious that I was recording.
Gordon's eyes widened briefly and he visibly gulped before he gave out a nervous chuckle.

"W-what do you mean, we have many reports done..." he stated before he cleared his throat and he straightened up.

"Here's the thing Gordon, we have not received any. Not to mention that there aren't any in the system."
I spoke firmly showing that I was serious, he grew nervous and he reached into his drawer pulling out a folder.

"They are right here, I have just not entered it into the system..." he spoke not putting down the folder, he clutched it and he gave out a small awkward smile.
I tilted my head briefly before I spoke again.

"Mind if I take a look?" I asked as I reached my hand out to him.
He clutched onto the folder visibly harder than he did before, he cleared his throat briefly and he spoke.
"I-...I mean you seem rather busy, you might not have time for this." he stated as he shook his head.

"Nonsense, this is more important to me than anything else I have scheduled for today"
I said as I kept my hand where it was, he visibly gulped and I could see the same nervous behavior in him that we saw with the officer at the office.

Gordon slowly moved his hand with the document towards mine, but before he handed it to me he took his hand away quickly.
"Did you just hit me?! Miss you are under arrest for assaulting an officer." he stated as he got up and took out a pair of cuffs.

"Gordon are we really going to play this game right now?" I asked as I picked up my phone and pointed it at him.
His face went pale as he realized he had been recorded.

"H-haha...It was just a test, you passed." he stated as he nervously stumbled back to his chair. He placed the document down and it was marked as Missing cases. I picked it up and placed it on my lap.

"The funny story here is that one of your officer's were questioned by Rowan and he also tried arresting him. Interesting isn't it?"
I spoke as I tilted my head briefly, keeping the camera towards him.

Visibly mortified he cleared his throat and he spoke once again.
"What? That is a lie...My officers have been patrolling not having a conversation." he stated as he gave out a huff.

"Here's the thing though, I have video evidence." I stated as I kept pointing my phone towards him.
He visibly gulped as he slumped a little, he tapped his fingers against his desk as if thinking of a way out.

I looked down briefly and opened the folder, seeing just a stack of blank papers. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.
"These are your reports, aye?"

"I-i can explain..." he said as he scratched the back of his head. I was hesitant but I needed to find out the truth. So I nodded and closed the folder keeping it with me.
"There have not really been any kids missing for real...It is just the media making up things." as the words left his mouth I felt disgusted.

"You are sick, you cannot take accountability for your incompetence so you blame the media for making up things?" I stated getting up and putting both folders in my bag.
"The crying mothers and families...The friends asking for their safe return, you are disgusting." I said as I opened the door.

I paused before leaving, I did not look at him but I spoke one more time.
"Be ready to receive a phone call." I stated as I left and closed the door behind me. I ended the recording and I made my way outside.

It was getting dark and I walked towards my car, seeing someone next to it. I pulled out my phone and began recording for safety reasons.
"There is no need to record, I just want to ask what is in it for you to go snooping around?" it was the same officer from the office.

"The pursuit of finding out the truth. There are many families waiting to hear something on their child's disappearance but here you guys are playing with their hope."
I stated bluntly as I entered my car.

"If you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." I stated as I tried closing the door, but he held onto it tightly.
"Let go!" I exclaimed.

"I strongly advise you to stay in your lane, don't go poking around where you aren't welcome."
He stated as he slowly let go of my door and he straightened up.

"Is that a threat?" I asked as I stared up at him, still recording.

"It's not, It's a warning." he stated as he then cleared his throat and he walked away. I huffed and closed the door before starting my car.
I will not allow some lowlife cop to intimidate me, I was seeing this through.

I stopped the recording and put my phone in my bag, it was time to go back to the carnival. I started to drive while thinking of a plan of action. I already had video evidence, as well as blank pages in the folder titled Missing Children's reports. I had enough to pursue more than I thought I would.

A question lingered in the back of my mind though. Could they already know who the killer was?
Could they be hiding them? If they are they cannot hide this person from me, I will do anything and everything I can to get to the bottom of things.

"I will find you..."

-To be continued-

Why were the pages in that folder blank?
Are you getting close to uncovering the truth?
Find out next chapter

I hope you are enjoying the story so far as much as I enjoy writing it.


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