Chapter 38

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Time has passed since Y/N had been taken, since Laughing Jack found out that Slender is playing sides; and since Jack and Jeff found out where she was being held captive. Giving the fact that they had a plan in place they needed to allow Y/N to execute her part of the deal.
As Jill recommended...Against the tall clown's better judgement.

"Jill it has been four month...I can't keep waiting we have to do something sooner or later, I feel like I am going to do something reckless." Jack said as he huffed and he crossed his arms.
They had been lying low at his carnival for far too long and tensions were getting high.
To their knowledge Slender was on the prow, having people searching for them; in an attempt to stop them from acting against Offenderman.

But there was only so much the clown could hold back...Everything that could go wrong went wrong, as if the odd were automatically stacked against him. Ever since Victoria...everything seemed to go wrong. The one time he thought something was going right...he gets his girlfriend kidnapped.
But he refuses to allow this one to meet the same fate as the previous one from long ago.

"I know it's been too long...But consider the fact that your boss is literally out there looking for both of you; as well as possibly looking for me, I did betray his brother."
Jill said as she rubbed her arm and sighed softly. She knew the risks if she decided to help them at all. Even so; she still wanted to get Y/N out of their before anything tragic happened. She was tired of seeing multiple women killed, just for rejecting that perverts feelings.

"Trust me we know!" Jeff yelled out as he then took a deep breath gathering his composure. He sighed softly and he then hummed.
"I apologized for that outburst...But we have to get Y/N out of their. None of us have had any contact with her, who knows how long we have left to save her..." the man in the white hoodie explained as he then huffed with visible frustrations.

Jill hummed and she then sighed, knowing that they were right. There isn't a guarantee to them that she was 100% okay at this point. Therefore they had to act soon. Agreeing on this, they decided to execute their original plan of action. They gathered the things they would need before they made their way to the mansion.
Keeping in mind that they needed to be careful not to be spotted by the search party or by Offenderman's goons.  It took some time, but they managed to get into position.

"Everyone remembers the plan, right?" Jill asked as she stated and she raised an eyebrow. The two nodded in unison, before they began going their separate ways. 
Jack waited for his moment, making sure to lay low and keeping his position unknown to anyone who may try to stop him. He heard some commotion, followed by a noise that came from the white hooded male; it being the signal.

Telling Jack that the cost was clear and he could proceed. LJ took the opportunity and he made his way slowly towards the mansion; making sure to stay alert and watch his back. Once he got close enough to it he was able to hide within some bushes and he looked up trying to locate movement within the mansion.
At that moment he could not, therefore he proceeds further towards the back door. He cracks it open a little and takes a peek inside, so far everything is still deserted. 

To which it seemed a little weird to him, given that Offenderman has something that is now precious to him. He thought he would do anything to guard Y/N.
He slowly opened the door to prevent it from creaking, thankfully he was able to go in without causing any disturbances. He heard humming that echoed throughout the mansion.

"That voice...Could it be...?" he asked himself as he proceeded with caution to try and follow the voice. Even though there was no one in sight, he did not want to call attentions to himself. He managed to sneak his way to the kitchen, hearing the humming louder from this position; so he peeked over the corner.
Jack's eyes widened and he froze in place, seeing his beloved was alive and well. But she appeared to be cooking.
'Why would she be cooking... she doesn't seem like a prisoner' he thought to himself.
He was about to approach her, but footsteps coming from the opposite side stopped him. In a matter of seconds Offenderman entered the room without his shirt and he approached the smaller female.

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