Chapter 39

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"I'M GONNA KILL YOU"  Laughing Jack screamed out at the top of his longs, as he was now consumed by pure rage. When Jason tried to get the other male off of him; Jack began to punch and claw at the man beneath him. Refusing to allow the man to catch his breath or push him off.
Blood splatters everywhere as Jason managed to at least cover his face, leaving his arms taking all the damage.

"What happened bitch?! I thought you were going to make me pay for something?" Jack mocked as he gripped the mans arms, and in a swift movement forced the other's arms above his head.
Revealing his face of anger, annoyance and resentment.

"Come closer Jacky boy, I have a secret for you." Jason said as a sly grin spread across his lips. The monochrome clown raised an eyebrow and he huffed, he isn't stupid enough to fall for that trick. 
He growled before he stood up, letting go of the mans arms. In a split second he kicked the man's side, to keep him down still.

The redhaired man grunts in pain as he held his side, he stared up at the clown. His blood boiling, he needed to carry out his revenge against him. LJ then grasped the man by the shirt collar before he threw him at one of the walls, causing him to crash through it.
Jason winced and he emerged from the ruble, noticing that Jack wasn't in the same spot. He was nowhere to be found.
"Where the fuck is this damn clown." he said angrily as he stumbled back through the newly made hole.

"I'm right here." Jack said as he quickly took the opportunity to punch him across the face. But failed as the other man was able to evade. Jason grabbed the clown's wrist and he flung him across the room, slamming him against a pillar.
LJ gasped in pain as he slammed against it and he quickly fell to the floor. A small pool of blood forming under his head, as he had received a blow to the head.

LJ felt his head pulsating from the amount of pain rushing through it, he slowly started to stand; but the toy maker approached him and used his foot to shove him back to the floor.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay down." Jason said ominously as he stared down at the man beneath his foot.

The clown growled and he shifted his head to be able to look at him. "Good thing I am not you..." the monochrome man said as he then used his elbow to strike the redhaired man's ankle. Jason winced and he jumped back as a response.
"I warned you!" the redhaired man exclaimed as he then grasped Jack by the back of his head, getting a fist full of his hair and he slammed his head against the floor.

LJ grunted in pain before he reached back and grasped at the man's wrist, he then tightened his grip. Hearing a cracking sound followed by a scream of pain.
The grip that the redhaired man had on him had disappeared as he was able to stand.
Blood trickling down his face.

"Jack!" The sudden sound of a female's voice snapped both of them out of their altercation, they both look to their side. Jill stood there panting and holding her side, she seemed badly hurt; barely clinging to life.
"Where is she?! We have to go, Jeff is fighting Offenderman!" She said as she sounded desperate and fearful.

"Oh your little friend is done for..." Jason said as he smirked and he held his broken wrist in his other hand. Jack growled and he stared at the toy maker. 
"Upstairs first room to the left." LJ said as he kept his rage filled gaze on the redhaired man; as if in one swift movement he tackled Jason once again.

Jill nodded and she rushed upstairs and to that room that LJ had mentioned. The female started knocking  vigorously. 
"Y/N it's me, please open the door for me quickly!"
The monochrome female panted as she placed her ear on the door briefly. She heard some shuffling coming from behind the door before she heard footsteps approach the door; to which she backed up and allowed the door to be unlocked.

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