Chapter 43

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Yn's pov

I closed my eyes and thought to myself.


I opened my eyes and was just in shock.

Me:Umm I'm gonna go to the bathroom.


Me:I'm fine

I walked to the upstairs bathroom and stared in the mirror.... Honestly I don't know how to feel.. He just confessed his feelings and proposed to someone in my face...some tears fell but not because of  the obvious...I literally have no feelings for laurent like i said it's just..half of me is feeling betrayed.... Betrayed because he was so quick to start a family and jump into another marriage... and the other half of me is hoping that he doesn't hurt this girl or do her how he did me.

Larry's pov
I literally can not believe laurent right now.

Me: Vous êtes incroyable... (You're unbelievable...)

I got up and went to Yn.


Yn:It's ok Larry...I'm ok

Me:No lie to me

She started crying and I held her. He knows she is not fully healed..he knows it, no matter how much she says she is ok I know that she isn't.

Yn: Larry I have to stop... I promise you I am happy for him..I just wish he would've done it on his own time.

Me:I know..

She wiped her face.

Yn: This is my last time crying because of something he has done..I will go congratulate him and hope the best for her.

Me: You don't have to do that

Yn: But I will

2 days later

Yn's pov

Guys it's my babies birthday today. They are finally 1, right now laurent and I are getting them dressed..yes I said laurent. I could be bitter or I could be childish but instead I'm going to be an adult about the situation.

Me: I'll be right back I left Langston's shoes downstairs


I went downstairs and Larry was in the kitchen preparing the finger food. I walked over to him.

Me: Thank you so much larry for setting this up

Larry: Anything for you

We smiled at eachother..

Me:Have you seen Langston shoes?

Larry:Yes I sit them right here

Me:Thank you

I went back upstairs and put his shoes on.



Laurent: You know I'm not slow


Laurent:I know you and my brother have something going Lilo kinda told me

Me:We like eachother...a lot but we both are healing.. I am from you and Jacob and he is from we are taking our time..

Laurent:....well I'm happy for you..

Me:Are you really?

Laurent:I have no choice but to be

Me:You do have a choice..but I'm happy for you so you should should be happy for me.

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