Chapter 14

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I can't believe Bruno did that yesterday .... He has never put his hands on me. When I got to Jacob's house last night all I could do was cry cause all this time of him telling me that he changed and that he loves me and he just embarrassed me in front of 30+ people. Jacob wouldn't let me go back to his house so I spent the night over here of course I didn't let Jacob see me cry cause I don't want to make the problem worse.

Jacob:Bonita I don't want you with him

Me:I know Jake

Jacob: Then breakup with him

Me:Jacob it's not that easy

He sighed and got off the bed to go to the bathroom. He left the door open of course he always does that.

Jacob: I don't see why not just say fuck you nigga and leave

I smiled at how crazy he is.

Me: Everyone's not like you hun

By now he was washing his hands. You know most boys don't wash their hands when they are done peeing and that is so disgusting to me I'm just glad Jake is not like that. He came out and walked to the dresser and grabbed my phone.

Jacob: This nigga blowing your phone up

He laid back on the bed and handed me my phone and I seen all the text messages and missed calls. Most of the messages was him telling me he's sorry and that he misses me and wants me to come back. I just want to know what was going through his head maybe I should call him.

Me:Hey I'm gonna just go get some fresh air

Jacob: want me to come

Me:Nah I'm good

Jacob: Alright well have fun

I went downstairs out to the backyard and decided to call Bruno literally after two rings he answered.

Phone convo

Bruno: Y/n baby I'm so sorry I understand if you hate me just please come back

Me: Bruno you embarrassed me in front of my whole class

Bruno: I know and I'm sorry I'll make it up to you just come home

Me: I don't know

Bruno: Please


Bruno:No y/n come back please I wasn't myself ok I don't know what made me drink just come on look if you don't come I'll get you myself

Me:You don't want to do that

Bruno: And why not?

Me: Cause Jacob is here

Bruno: I don't give a fuck you know what I'm on my way.....

End of convo

Before I could say anything he hung up in my face. What the fuck am I going to do now? I went back in the house and just started pacing the living room. I can't let Jacob and Bruno in the same place together not right now this is going to be horrible. I guess Jacob felt like I was gone for too long and he came downstairs and seen me pacing.

Jacob: What's wrong Bonita?

I didn't even  answer him because there was knocking on the door. I froze and looked at Jacob. The knocking continued.

??: Y/n baby come to the door I know you're in here

The look on Jacob's face made me want to hide under a rock it went from confused to ready to kill.

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