Chapter 50

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2 months later

Yn's pov

For the last week I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off.. who knew a wedding could be so stressful. One of my students, Vee also recently got married started helping me a few days ago and I'm so happy about that.... But I've been so frustrated, not only about the wedding but just life.

Larry: Do you want to come with Lilo and I to the park?


Larry: You ok baby?

Me: I'm not Larry I'm not ok...just leave me alone

Larry's pov

Yn has been snappy lately... I try to make her feel better but it seems like nothing is working. I took Lilo to the park and now we're at lunch.

Lilo: Daddy is momma ok?

Me: Yeah she's fine...she just has a lot of things going on

Lilo: Maybe we could take her some food home.

Me:I think she'll like that

We finished our food and ordered Yn's. When we left Lilo wanted ice cream so I took her there and once she was done we went back home.

Me:Lilo go ahead and clean you room


She went upstairs and I went in the room to yn.

Me:We brought you some food

Yn: Thanks

She said it very dry.

Me:Yn what's going on why are you acting like this?

Yn: Larry don't even worry about it, you don't care

Me: How can I not care about what you have going on?

Yn: Cause you don't! I'm doing everything by myself you don't even care to help!

Me: Yn everytime I try to help you say you don't need the help!

Lilos pov

I only had a few things to pick up off my floor so when I was done I planned on going to play with the twins. I walk past momma and daddy room and I hear them yelling at each other. They never yell at each other.. I started getting sad because I don't want them to leave eachother. Momma came out the room and daddy followed her.

Momma:I can't do this with you I'm done!

Daddy:Done with what Yn?!

Momma: Done with you!.. and this

She took her ring and threw it at him, went outside and slammed the door.


He turned and looked at me.

Daddy:Lilo baby...go back in your room

Me:No daddy you can't let her leave

Yn's pov

Sitting on this porch crying...I hate the way I just acted towards Larry. He literally did nothing to me. I heard him open the door.. he sat next to me and held me as I cried.

Larry:This is not us..this will not be us...

Me:I'm so sorry

Larry:It's ok.. everything will be ok. Look at me

I looked up at him and he wiped my tears.

Larry:I understand you frustrated.. I know this is a lot on you, but let me be there for you.. let me help I'm here for a reason stop pushing me away... I love you

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