Chapter 13

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Bruno's POV
I know I'm wrong but y/n wasn't giving it to me so I had to get it from someone. Yes this is the same Jessica that I cheated on her with before. Honestly I never broke up with her I really only got back with y/n because she looked good as hell and I wanted to have sex with her... but I didn't want her to think that so I had to act like a totally different person it's not like she's going to find out.

Jessica:Babe how come I never get to see you that much?

Me:I just be busy you know that

I lied I'm not about to tell her that I've been with y/n.

Jessica:Well can you stay tonight?

Me:Umm sure

As soon as I said that I got a phone call from y/n.

Me:I'll be right back it's my manager

Y/n's POV

I decided to call Bruno cause I couldn't sleep.




Me:Nothing I just miss you

Bruno:I miss you too baby I thought I told you to get some rest

Me:You did but I can't sleep


Me: Anyways what are you doing?

Bruno:Nothing just writing some music

Me:Are you coming home tonight or is it one of those nights?

Bruno:I'm sorry to say but it's one of those nights but look don't be sad I'm gonna make it up to you ok


Bruno:I love you

Me:Love you too

After that we hung up normally when I can't sleep I would go to the club but My car is not with me right now.. so I guess I'll just watch tv until I do eventually fall asleep.

Next day

Jacob's POV
I set a class up for y/n today but I forgot about it so I forgot to tell her. She is going to be so mad at me I hope she woke up in a good mood.

Phone convo

Y/n:Fuck do you want this early Jacob

Me:Ummm I have something to tell you but don't get mad at me

Y/n: You better not have no one pregnant cause I will beat your ass

Me:No Bonita...

Y/n: Well talk

Me:So umm I made a class for you today and-gco

Y/n: What the fuck you mean you made a class for me today?! And you decide to tell me at the last fucking minute!!

Me:Bonita baby calm down it's not until 1 and it's only 9:30

Y/n: Jacob you better be lucky I love to dance cause i would fuck you up I'm still gonna fuck you up.

Me:You know you love me

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