Chapter 3

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I woke up in so much pain I didn't even get a chance to call Jacob last night I bet he didn't even notice probably too busy with his girlfriend. I really didn't feel like being bothered with anyone today honestly my throat hurts like fuck. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my hygiene stuff when I got out the shower I looked in the mirror and I looked horrible.. My eye was purple and black and a little swollen I had a cut on my lip and more bruises on my cheeks then my neck had his hand mark from choking me I was just fucked up. I sat on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest and cried... I hate myself if we're being honest.

Jacob's POV
I'm sleeping peacefully just to wake up with some bullshit from Jae she literally screamed from the bathroom with me being a good boyfriend and being worried I jump up and run to the bathroom "What's wrong babe?" I asked concerned "My period just came on!" I wanted to say girl if you don't put a fucking pad on and shut the fuck up.. but I'm too nice." You need something?" I asked not really meaning it "Yes I just really need your attention today baby" "well this is gonna be a long day" I thought to myself. She went and laid down in my bed yes she stayed the night no we didn't have sex I just wasn't in the mood for it . I know me Jacob Perez not in the mood for sex strange but I was worried about y/n. You know what I'm going to call her. I got up and told Jae I was running to the store "bring me some chocolate " "whatever" I said under my breath. I got outside and in the car and called y/n. "Hello" her voice was a little weird. "Hey um do you want to go to the store with me real quick?" "Umm yeah sure" "Ok be ready in 5" "ok" after that she hung up. After about 8 minutes I pulled up at her house and saw her coming outside she had a little limp which was weird but she probably just slept wrong so I didn't question her. "Hey Bonita" "hey jake" she said dryly what's up with her.

I really wasn't feeling today but when Jacob called and asked to go to the store with him I just agreed no ones at home so I just left. I admit when I got in the car I was a little rude but I just.. I don't know. We got to the store and just walked around I could feel Jacob staring at me no he couldn't see my bruises cause I covered them up good well I thought I did. "Hey y/n what's that?" "What's what?" I asked not knowing what he was talking about he pointed to my cheek "it's like something purple" he tried to touch it but I smacked his hand away and he looked completely confused. "Sorry,and it's just a little make up I was playing around in this morning" I lied " Since when did you start wearing makeup?" I didn't know what to say I swallowed and lied again " Oh I just started it makes me feel good" he looked at me like he could tell I was lying then he sighed "we'll take it off I don't like it" He said plainly "what?" " I don't like it Bonita I like your regular face so take it off" I hesitated to reply to him " ok I'll stop wearing it" "No y/n take it off now" he said sternly "Jacob why are you being so pushy" " why can't you just listen to me ?" " know what can you just take me home" I said getting upset at his rudeness" so since I said to take the make up off you wanna go home now?" He asked with his voice getting high."I'm sorry I just don't feel good" I started walking away and he grabbed my arm making me wince in pain why? Because I had cut myself last night . "Y/n please don't walk away from me you know I don't like that" "I'm sorry Jacob just please take me home" I said holding back my tears.

Jacob's POV
I don't know why she's acting like this like she doesn't wanna be around me. Y/n got in the car before me and I took a deep breath before getting in cause I was frustrated by how she was acting.. when I got in the car my phone was ringing and it was jae good god what does she want now? "Hello" "Hey babe I was just telling you don't get the chocolates cause I gotta go home to help my cousin" that's god cause I didn't get any. "Oh ok well have fun and text me later k?" "Ok I love you" "k love you too bye". I looked over at y/n and it looked like she wanted to saying something but she just stayed looking at the window she was quiet the whole ride to her house.

My head is killing me and I didn't realize we was at my house until Jacob tapped me "Hey you're home" "yay" I said sarcastically I seen Tyler's car in the drive way and immediately regret leaving that house "uhh Jacob ca-can I go to your house?" "Uhm well I don't know if my girlfriend is still there or not" I quickly answered " Oh nevermind that's ok" He looked at me with a weird facial expression "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm fine" I lied "I'll see you later ok" I gave him a fake smile "Ok I guess" after that I was about to get out but then Jacob grabbed my arm "y/n are you sure you're ok? " "yes jake I'm fine" "He looked down and grabbed my hand "you promise" I've never broken a promise when it came to Jacob but this is just one that I have to break "yes I promise" I feel so bad for lying to him. He put his hand on my chin and it kind of hurted from the bruises that were there. He pulled my face closer and kissed me i didn't want to stop whenever I'm around Jacob I feel safe but I can't let this kiss lead to anything so I pulled away.  We stared into each other eyes "you have a girlfriend.." I was trying my hardest to hold back my tears. "I'm sorry " was all he said then I got out the car and went to the door. I saw him look a little sad then drive off once I stepped into the house it was quiet I started walking up the stairs "I guess their sleep" I thought to myself. I got in the room and there he was sitting on my bed. "So who was that outside my house" My hands started shaking and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "N-Nobody" He started getting up "It was obviously somebody" He came closer to me and grabbed my hair ." What I told you about being a hoe! You don't go around kissing and fucking everybody!" He yelled in my face. I had no words to say "So now you don't wanna speak.." Of course I didn't say anything "Haha I see.. I guess you didn't get enough last night" He said while rubbing up and down my thighs "I-I did" He smiled " Oh now you wanna talk.. take your clothes off" "What?" Oh god I'm about to die "Don't what me take your fucking clothes off!!" "No" I said barely audible "What was that?" "I said no" What the fuck am I doing! He started laughing " So I guess this is gonna go the hard way" I didn't say anything he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me on the bed then started to take my pants off I tried my hardest to fight back but it wasn't even worth it everything from my head to my feet hurted. Once again everytime I screamed he either slapped, punched, or choked me. I really wish I didn't lie to Jacob.

Jacob's POV
I really wish y/n would just talk to me and what's up with her lying now I know she lied to me and it really hurted cause she never lies to me. I decided to just ride around a bit more cause I didn't know if Jae was still at the house or not and if she was I didn't want to be there with her. I looked over to the passenger seat and see y/n's phone it must've slipped out her pocket so I just thought to take it to her. I pulled up outside her house and got out the car when I got to the door I was about to knock but I heard screaming. I tried to open the door but it was locked so I kicked it down "Y/N!!??" The screaming was coming from upstairs but then it stopped. I ran upstairs and pushed the door open. I couldn't believe what I saw Her moms boyfriend was raping her. I felt My face burning my hands getting warm and at that moment I knew I couldn't stop myself. I ran over to him and pushed him off of her then I started punching him and basically just beating his ass when he could barely move I got off of him and went to y/n's side. Her eyes were closed I got scared as fuck I thought she was dead but I saw her breathing she must've just passed out. I looked at her and she was beaten up badly it really hurt my heart I seen the tears that were on her face and I wiped them away but then I noticed that some of the make up came off I looked at my hand then back at her face ."This is why you wouldn't take the make up off " I said above a whisper I couldn't help but shed some tears my bestfriend my first love has been getting beat and I didn't even know it help. I grabbed my phone and call the police then took y/n to the hospital.

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