Chapter 10

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I woke up on a bed and it was comfortable as fuck. I looked around and didn't see anyone so I got up to go downstairs but I tripped. Something was in the middle of the floor I was on the ground and turned my head to look and it was Bruno groaning in pain. "Bruno why the fuck are you on the floor?" He sat up "Because I figured you didn't want me to sleep with you after what happened and I didn't want to leave you in here by yourself." Awww he's so sweet. I smiled at his craziness "You could've slept in the bed with me silly" We both let out a little laugh. "You didn't have to kick me though" lol I didn't kick him "I didn't I tripped over you" "Whatever you say" I laughed and got up so did he. We went downstairs I decided I was gonna make breakfast for him so I went and got everything that I needed such as bacon, sausage, pancake mix and grits. Once I got set up here he come getting all in my work space. "Do you mind?" He looked at me like I was crazy "What are you doing?" "I'm cooking" He started smiling "I'm suppose to do that" Just to let you guys know Bruno is an amazing cook like his food just takes me to another place but today I wanted to cook for him. "Just let me do it please" he rolled his eyes "fine it's all yours" he said while bagging away "I know it is" I don't know why but I'm starting to get heavy feelings for Bruno again I know it's only been a few days but it's something different about him. Anyways after I finished breakfast we sat at the table and ate he was so cute when he ate cause his cheeks would puff out and it's so freaking adorable. "What you looking at girly" I smiled "You boyly" he stopped eating and looked at me serious then we burst out laughing "ok I'm sorry that was gross why did I say that?" "Cause you're weird" "But you like my weird" when I said that he had a serious face on "what's wrong?" "Nothing" he's lying cause he can't even look at me " Bruno dont" he sighed "ok fine I was just thinking about us" I furrowed my eyebrows "what about us".

Bruno: you know how we use to I miss it

I was actually pretty shocked when he said that I mean of course I miss it too but I don't know.
(Btw I'm changing how I'm writing the story.)

Bruno's POV

I miss this girl so much when we were together back then we were in love I couldn't be away from her and she couldn't be away from me. I admit I got so much love for her that never went away. I looked at her she's so beautiful it just makes me hate myself for what I did to her.

Bruno: Come on

I stood up and grabbed her hand and we walked upstairs. With her hand still in mine I took her in the bathroom and closed the door she then took her hand away and had a nervous expression on her face.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Bruno:I wanna take a shower with you

Y/n: n-no

Bruno:Y/n I'm not gonna try anything I just want to be close to you I want you to see that I'm not the old me anymore

I pulled her close to me and stared in her eyes.. she doesn't believe me but I'm going to show her no matter what I have to do.

Y/n:Bruno we can't do this

Bruno:y/n it's just a shower I promise

I turned the water on and took my shirt off.

Bruno: how about I get in first then when you're comfortable and ready you can come in ok.

Y/n's POV
He actually wants me to get butt naked and get in the shower with him and wants me to believe him. I'm scared to be honest if I get in this shower and he doesn't do anything then I will believe him. The only thing I'm scared of is him seeing my bruises and scars this is gonna be hard. He was already in the shower so I went ahead and took my clothes off. I'm just going to go ahead and do it I slowly pulled the certain back and got into the shower. I hope I don't regret this. When he saw me he didn't even look at my body he looked dead in my eyes. His hair was wet and it got back curly and the water dripping on his body looked amazing. Bruno is very buff which I liked cause it fits him. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer meaning our naked bodies were touching I got kind of shy and put my head down he put his free hand on my chin and lifted my head up.

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