Chapter 16

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Next day

Yn's POV
I just can't stop thinking about yesterday I hope I wasn't dreaming. I wonder did Jacob see him.


Jacob: Yes hun

Me:Did you see him?


Me:The angel

Jacob:Yn what are you talking about?

Me: The guy from yesterday the tall guy with the twin

Jacob: oh yeah they were dope

Me:Do you think they'll be there today?

Jacob: I don't know why?

Me:No reason.......well I kinda want to see

Jacob:Yn don't tell me you falling for them already

Me:No no I just like their dancing

Jacob: Whatever

Me: Come on

Jacob: Ok we'll go around 1

Jacob always knows when I start to like someone which is crazy but sometimes he tells me don't even try. This time he didn't we'll see.

Laurent's POV

So right now it's like almost 2 and I'm at a workshop. Wait but where's my brother no one knows. He's always fucking late like dude come on. We woke up at the same time I left early so I could see if the pretty girl from yesterday was going to be there. Sadly I didn't see her but that was earlier. I wonder if I was just imagining her... well I went to my class and everyone was there I guess I can start.

Y/n's POV

Jacob said that we will leave around 1. You want to know what time it is it's like 3 something and we just left I have an attitude with him but i don't know why. We're sitting in the car and it's dead silence but of course he decided to break it.

Jacob: What is wrong with you?

Me: Nothing what you mean

Jacob: you haven't said anything to me since we got in the car.

I don't know why but when he said that I automatically thought about the guy at the studio. What if he's not there anymore? What if I lost my chance?

Jacob: Hello

Me: Cause Jacob you're making me late he's probably not even there anymore

Jacob: Really? Why are you going for him anyways?

Me: Because I felt something Jacob when I saw him I felt like a new person.

He just started laughing

Me: What's funny?

Jacob's POV

I don't understand why she keeps doing this to herself. She said the same thing about Bruno and y'all see what he did to her. They don't want her to love her they want her to please their needs and she doesn't see that.

Y/n: What's funny?


Y/n: just tell me

Me: No cause you just gonna get mad

Y/n: tell me

Me:Y/n I'm not trying to be rude or mean but....

I just took a deep breath hoping that she doesn't start yelling or anything.

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