Chapter 5

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Jacob's POV
I was still driving for about two hours maybe even a little more I swear I wasn't giving up. I was looking out of the window when I saw someone laying on the ground but what caught my attention was the shirt it was the shirt that I had y/n put on at the hospital. I pressed on the brakes as hard and as fast as I could put it in park left the engine running and hopped out the car "y/n!" I was running and dropped down to my knees right next to her "y/n baby wake up" I said while sitting her head on my lap "Come on baby" I started crying cause this was my fault if I would've never got with Jae she wouldn't be on this street right now. I felt her start to shake meaning she was cold so I picked her up bridal style and laid her out in the back seat then took my jacket off and laid it over her. I got in the car and sped home. Luckily Jae wasn't there to cause any more problems. I took y/n upstairs she started waking up a little "Ok y/n I gotta clean you up ok" "mmm" she was still half way sleep I ran a bath and started taking her clothes off. I mean it's not gonna offend her cause I've done it before when all her clothes were off I picked her up and put her in the tub I grabbed a towel and started cleaning her off it was kind of hard cause I didn't wanna hurt her she had all these bruises. I see she started cutting again.. ugh this is gonna be harder then I thought. I rinsed her off and got her out then dried her off yes she was still sleep so this was hard as hell to do. When I dried her off I put her one of my shirts on cause I didn't feel like going through the trouble of putting her underwear and stuff on I laid her in the bed then laid next to her to where her head was on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer "I promise I'm not gonna let anyone put their hands on you... I love you" I kissed her head .. I have to keep my promise she can't go anywhere unless I'm with her.

I woke up next to Jacob I was confused how did I get here... "Jacob" I put my hand on his stomach and started shaking him. "Jacob wake up" "hmm" he said while rubbing his eye "Get the fuck up bitch" I straddled him "calm the fuck down" he said in his morning voice which I love. "I know you do" What the hell.. "Don't start creep" I smiled "Well don't be on top of me unless you want this" he said while grabbing my hips "Whatever Jacob now why did you bring me back?" He sighed "Because y/n I promised to keep you safe and that's what I'm doing " "Jakey I'm fine" "No stop being so stubborn" "Ughhh " he covered his face "Stop stank ass breath" I slapped his chest "Bitch yo breath stank too" he sat up with me still straddling him and he wrapped his arms around me "come let's take a shower" I didn't want him to see be all bruised up and everything I thought "Don't worry Bonita I've seen your body already do you not remember be giving you a bath last night?" I looked at him confused "I guess not but we can talk about it later come" he said while picking me up and taking me to the bathroom "Take your clothes off" I don't know why but I was kind of nervous then he grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes "I promise I won't do anything I just wanna take a shower ok" I nodded my head and we got in the shower. It was great he cleaned me and I cleaned him then we got out and put on some around the house clothes. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch I want to watch some scary movies so I grabbed the remote "Don't even think about it" "But papi"

Jacob's POV
She knows that she always get her way when she calls me that "fine but I'm going back to sleep" She looked at me with that sad face "No stay with me pweaseee" I just gave in "whatever but if I piss on myself you cleaning it up" she smiled "ok ok just stop making that face" "Yay!!" We watched scary movies all day basically I looked over at her and she seemed like she was thinking "What's wrong Bonita?" "When can I go back?" I was confused "Back where" "You know to the studio" honestly I forget all about that you see y/n is a professional choreographer and all that she also teaches auxiliary. "Just wait until you heal I don't need you getting hurt" she looked sad "But you know you and that are the only things that make me happy" I felt a little bad "I know babe but just give yourself some time for me please" she sighed "I'll try" the rest of the day we just cuddled and continued watching movies she ended up falling asleep in my arms I didn't even bother to move I like it like this

A week later.

Jacob has been the best he has helped me with everything. When we woke up this morning he told me to get in the shower and get dressed cause he taking me to breakfast that sweet fucking handsome man. Excuse my language ugh he told me I need to work on that.

Jacob's POV
I told y/n that I was taking her to breakfast but little does she know I have a surprise for her. She came downstairs and she looked beautiful I couldn't help but stare. "Take a picture babe it last longer" I smiled "You in that dress won't last long tho" she blushed "Don't let Fernando control you hun" "oh it isn't Fernando today.. it's papi" I said with a seductive deep voice. I grabbed her ass and made her jump "Lets go baby" . We got our things and left I took her to one of her favorite restaurants "Thank you so much jakey" she smiled "You're welcome Bonita" We sat down and ordered our food.. she looked so beautiful "Bonita" "Yes papi" uh oh she better not call me that again " "You are so beautiful" she smiled "Are you just saying that to make me smile?" "No Bonita you are the most beautiful girl I know" "Thanks jake" Our food came and we devoured it when we got done we went in the car "I'm so full" she said while rubbing her stomach she was so cute "Don't get too comfortable one more stop babe" she looked at me with the funniest expressions "Whatchu mean?" "You'll see". About 10 minutes later we pulled up and she looked at me like she wanted to cry "Jacob what the fuck"


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