Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

I can't believe he kissed me and I can't believe Jacob did that I looked out the window and seen him driving off I wanted to cry. As soon as Jacob walked in I just lost it.

Me: Jacob what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?!

Jacob: What the fuck is wrong with you Yn?! I told you that they only want you for one thing! That kiss wasn't a real kiss that was a trying to get in your fucking pants kiss why can't you understand that?!

Me: All I want is to be happy! You know what I've been through and you still make things difficult for me I just want to feel some type of love I don't know what happened to you these last few days but you've changed and it hurts me to stand here and talk to you.

Jacobs POV

I know what she means it's just i care for her too much to be letting these people come into her life and not show no respect for her. I look at her and it looks like she wants to cry..I'm being hard on her and I know but it's just that I can't let her get hurt again.

Me: I'm sorry Bonita you know you're my best friend my everything I'm just being hard on you right now because Bruno proved to me that I can't trust these guys for you I thought that if I gave him a second chance then maybe just maybe I could leave you alone and not be so overprotective. I promised my mother that I would take care of you and keep you safe if she knew that I let you get hurt she would kill me you know you're the daughter she never had.

Yn: Jacob i know just trust me ok I feel that he's the one I know I said that about Bruno but I'm serious this time. Give him a chance

Me: I guess I'll try but if he even messes up once-

Yn: I know I know

Me: Now I'm sorry for being so mean and rude do you accept

Yn: I guess so

She smiled and gave me a hug then kissed me on my cheek.

Me: Ewww those are French dude lips

We both started laughing

Yn: Wait how'd you know he was French?

Me: Valerie told me

Yn: Who's Valerie?

Me: The girl I was with

Yn: huh?

Me: we was talking and I asked her did she know who those guys were and she said that all she know is that they're from France and that they're twins.

Yn: Oh ok well I'm kinda tired imma go to bed

Me: Ok Bonita don't forget I have a class in the morning do you think you can come?

Yn: Sure I have nothing else to do

Next morning 11:00

Y/n's POV

I'm with Jacob at his class yes sometimes we have class separate only when we doing different dance styles. I decided to go see if laurent was in his studio so I could apologize. When I walked in what I seen almost made me wet my pants.

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